Yeah... uhh... so ummm... Deströyer 666

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I'm not sure if anyone around here has heard of them, but they're actually pretty good.:loco:

Shame I didn't realize that before I saw them live.:cry:

So, now that Phoenix Rising has become my favorite work out CD, which of their discs should I check out next?

Unchain the Wolves then Cold Steel...for an Iron Age.

How can you work out to I am the Wargod? Don't you just start headbanging with the complete epicness of that song?
I avoided them for years because I thought their name was silly, and it wasn't til the swedish hell düdz showed me some of their music this past March that I finally decided they kick ass and so does their name. :kickass:
Greg - welcome to the party, I knew you'd come around eventually, they're just too good. :kickass: :kickass:

I would absolutely recommend Cold Steel.... For an Iron Age, it would be a fantastic workout cd complement to Phoenix Rising. I'd also highly recommend the Terror Abraxas EP along those same lines. "Unchain the Wolves" is awesome in a bit of a different way - it takes longer to warm up to than the others and has a more "atmospheric" and more mid-paced feel to it at times, but is outstanding in it's own right (especially Genesis to Genocide - with it's unforgettable final riff and the title track).

The only one I'd avoid is the first one called "Violence is the Prince of this World". A decent enough cd, but far more raw and uneven than their later works. Other than that one, you can't go wrong.

I am The Wargod is :kickass: x 1000000000000000000000000000000000

I am The Wargod and The Eternal Glory of War off of Phoenix Rising = :worship: :worship:

Genesis to Genocide and the title track off of Unchain the Wolves = :worship: :worship:

Black City, Black Fire and Cold Steel off of Cold Steel....For an Iron Age = :worship: :worship:

A Breed Apart off of Terror Abraxas = :worship: :worship:

A bunch of other tracks I'm forgetting the titles of = :worship: :worship:

D666 = :worship: :worship:
Unchain the Wolves is their best, but you can not go wrong with these fellas. Jason is right in that Violence is the Prince of This World has low priority though - it doesn't match up to any of the albums nor the Terror Abraxas EP, and probably not to the EPs I don't have either. It's interesting, definitely fucking good, but not as good as the other stuff. More of an early-stuff-for-fans thing than something to devastate continents by the ancient force of the beer-induced horny mushroom cloud-shaped bird.
all i keep remembering from the aformentioned gig is some guy in the front screaming ... SATANIC SPEED METAL ... over and fucking over again ... between every song :lol:

welcome to the party Zod :loco:
I see Terror Abraxas as the link between Phoenix Rising/Cold Steel.. and the earlier stuff. Still catchy and all but the production is a bit rawer which is not a bad thing at all in this case. And if you like Dissection's 'Thorns of Crimson Death' you can't wrong with 'Trialed By Fire'; the two share some special epic feeling, like a warrior advancing with pride at the pace of the song, not to mention that sing-along headbanging riff ahhhh..Real good!
Yes, you do. Cold steel... is a fucking incredible record.

NP: Deströyer 666 - Shadow

The riff that starts around 0:40 and onwards is godly.