yippeeee sadam has been caught

even if they don't find some other sick mind to follow, the Americans will create another reason (sick mind perhaps) to continue bombing and causing chaos in exchange for mOnEy.
that doesnt matter. one sick fucking mind is behind bars.

i'm up for getting

and a bunch in anarchy-Africa...

but perhaps not the way the US did it.
sol83 said:
wow, i won't be able to sleep tonight... :Smug:
hehe - yeah i know that feeling...i love the way the world gets rilled up over the injustice of acts by ppl like this guy (thats me included) but when they actually get caught/captured, theres no real sense of justice.... just another headline...

oh this thread is about him also..anyways heres the pic again:)
america will find another threat and play muppet show to them civilians,putting them to the sweetest sleep,with several methods of mind control...