You could ask Gonzo or Heartless... BUT WHY NOT ASK A TROLL?

Weren't you that really cute guy who once posted a pic with a bunch of girls at a restaurant?

yes that was me and for the record troll's don't have to be bad looking.

┼Victim of the Night┼;6835017 said:
Hi Keith,

which are the qualities a 'good' troll should have?

A good troll knows balance. Balance in Trolling and Pwning is key to being respected as a fairly decent troll. For example if some ghey n00b tries to troll the boards and post 50,000 threads about how his penis is larger than a gorillas, a person could do one of two things: Laugh at it and just wait until he is banned, or overtroll him with the fact that if you did your research, a gorilla's penis is actually significantly smaller than the average human penis. That is the sign of a smart, cunning, yet still retarded, beloved troll.

Dear Keith,
I don't feel that trolls should be given names, but rather numbers. If you had a say in which number you were to receive, which you don't of course, which number (or series of numbers) would you choose?


666999 secksy gr1m


How many people laughed at your sig

Anyone who still finds fart jokes funny. (Everyone here)


GTFO n00b:

On Topic: Keith, what would you say to those little trolls that wanna be like you when they grow up?

I say stay away from appliances that attatch things to otehr things.


make sure to wear shoes that actually fit your feet (you can go to that one if you want)

and make sure to relinquish your body of unborn children atleast once a day.

(no picture for that)
Welcome any and everybody. I am Keith, and yes, I am a troll. Some information about me before we all get started. I am old enough to be your grandfather, I live in Orgrimmar. I weigh more than your car and can drink from the ground. And, most importantly, I hate n00bs who lick nuts of pr0's to seem rly cool.

Any questions you have I would be more than happy to try and answer.

Some examples: How long are your tusks? Do you perform voodoo? How many licks does it take to get the center of a placenta?

And no i'm not looking for competition, becuase gonz and heartless seem to be doing quite well... but it's all about quality...
for example: to flame "Wings of a Dream" (if any of your n00bs remember him) you need sufficient resources (ie. gold and wood / lumbar)to pull the grotesque abortions out of your ass and throw them at him/her.

So I ask you, if you have any questions what so ever. Srsly. Don't hesitate to ask... PLUS if the question is good i swear i won't refer to masturbation or sodomy. Past, present, future, personal questions... etc etc. I do that.


Teh win.

wtf are you back for?:zombie:
how old are you?

28 x 10^7

Hello Keith, do you think i have good qualities of a troll?

Now that you ask this i'll judge from now until i see some board trollage. Try not to get banned now.

why do you recommend that?

When Troll's find things that can attatch things to other things (glue... stapling guns... post it notes...), the mindset is... AMG, TWO THINGS BEKOME ONE, LYK FUZION, AMG, I KAN BEKOME MORE PWRFUL!

Yet the outcome is quite the opposite.



But smart Troll's (extinct 3k years ago) would use these opportunities for the better.

