You could ask Gonzo or Heartless... BUT WHY NOT ASK A TROLL?

I remember the story of the troll not letting the poor goats across the bridge, an absolute classic, they should've let the big one go first to save all the other goats
Do you live under a bridge and deny passage to goats?

Before I got a job as a model at Wizards Of The Coast...


This shot took ages, but it's one of my better ones imo.

My profession was to keep the goats out of the nearby village, but these were no ordinary goats... they looked something more like this.

Funnily enough, my job was very easy. See, the thing was, they HATE Sonata Arctica for whatever reason. So, my job then consisted of sitting back smoking fat blunts, reading imported metal magazines and listening to SA. Later, the industrial revolution dropped a large boulder on my balls and I was replaced by a machine.


thats my old bobsled i used to get from home to work. Since i do live in Canada... and by home i mean igloo.

i hope that answers your question.
Did you miss me?
Do trolls and ninjas get along?
What is your weapon of choice?
Is it gay if you choose to felate yourself just because you can?
What else can I learn from a wise troll like yourslelf?
Bullshit. I smoke a lot of pot and I've never hallucinated anything.....except that the Apocalypse is coming :p

I've smoked MORE pot, and I say the same as you, I've never hallucinated shit. SOME people claim too, I think they're full of shit however. But I'm sure the scientists have their reasons for classifying it as such.