you know what is WEIRD!! RIP


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
...johnlennon Died Same Day; Nearly The Same Motive....all To Do With Mind Control Stuff!!!

Wait Till The Book Comes Out You Will Be Shocked, Things Are Not What They Seem....
I shit all over your conspiracy theory.

Maybe the motherfucker who shot him WANTED that.
The Dude Took A Fucken Hostage..and Was Leaving The Place...
Think About It Dickhead...
Nahh Matey, Your Wrong
There Has Been Negative Things About The Place, The Prices The Stage As Well
Ying And Yang....
Things Will Unfold To Prove Otherwise
Remember Also They Are On A Major Label As Well
It was ninjas that hired the gunman. This guy says they killed his family right before the show, and he heard the secret plans.

People will latch on to any little coincidence or detail they can to find a conspiracy. It's a sad and tragic event that happened to take place on the "anniversary" of another sad and tragic event. Maybe Damageplan took notice that they were playing this certain club on the day that John Lennon died however many decades ago o_O