Der Morgenstern
Trailer Park Bacchus
Nah. Just making a point that you're a bitch.
Says the French fluffer.
Nah. Just making a point that you're a bitch.
You still have a lot to learn about the Armenian history to even think of having an argument with me. It seems you only know about the Armenians when they were badly treated from the turks. Which isn't even slavery as you insist on calling.
I'm not french. And as for you - please do not take this as a 'come-back', but I pity you.. I really do. Shits like you is what the world needs less of. If anything, I hope for your ancestors' image that they were as less like you as possible.Says the French fluffer.
This would entail me having to spend more than five minutes caring about Armenians which is 4 minutes too much, you Turkish slave monkey.
The point stands that while my ancestors were busy riding into battle against mountain trolls on the backs of Doner and Blitzen - when not taken up with the invention of skiing- your ancestors were busy squatting in the dirt somewhere in Anatolia.
Onder, don't be a faggot.
Many people don't seem to know that today's 'Scandinavians' aren't the true native peoples of Scandinavia. If you're Sami you might be related to Vegard Pompey (although I know he's something slightly different).
You used the word derp. Thus you're disqualified from the internet.