You laugh, you lose


so a girl that hangs out with me broke up with her boyfriend

here's why

her and her boyfriend decide to move in together

at some point they start having their friends visit
but they don't any mutual friends

so they have her friends come over or his friends come over but not both at the same time, "cuz their relationship is still too new" or somesuch bullshit

so they finnally get to the point where the girl in the relationship feels comfortable with her friends meeting his friends

so she gets her friends in the apt at the same time as his friends (each of these people have all already been inside this apt a dozen times already) then she goes into the kitchen to cook everyone dinner

she comes out of the kitchen and catches 2 people making out, even though these 2 people have only known each other for 20 minutes

because of that
she breaks up with her boyfriend, who wasn't even in the fucking apt at the time because he was at work at his 9-to-5 job

crazy girl
"Some others." Why not just ask questions that don't plant opinions in them which are veiled as ones you don't necessarily hold with words like "some others"?
haha he's got the mannerisms down and does a good job of over exaggerating the simplicity/absurdity of Louis.

I just watched the whole Louie series and it's damn near genius.
Yeah I'm an enormous fan of his stand-up, but the first season of Louie was just not doing it for me. Does it get better?
It's absurdest black drama/comedy. I don't think it's for everyone. The problem with the show is it has such a short window; trying to fit really complex subject matters into a 22 min slot is really difficult. It could easily be an hour show on HBO but HBO sucks and wouldn't support it. FX has some balls at least.