Younger Opeth listeners?

Sure you can be young and like Opeth. I'm 20, but I started listening to Opeth when I was 15 so I'm a longtime fan you could say. Hard rock and metal was the first music I really "liked" and started buying. I guess I was 8 or 9 I don't really remember. I got into metal first then got into other types of music. I'm very open-minded when it comes to music. I like a little bit of everything minus country and rap. I've noticed though that a lot of Opeth fans are that way as well. Very open to different types of music. Case in point: lots of Opeth fans love Porcupine Tree and they aren't even close to similar.
That "Is the glass half-full or half-empty" question is a simple way of saying "Look at things in more way than one." It doesn't matter when you posed yourself the question it doesn't make you more smart.

I can't stand people trying to make themselves look smart at a young age. You're not gonna understand the world until you've lived it, so don't pretend like you do.

I'll tell you what intelligence is, intelligence is the ability of explaining your philosophy to people, and understanding that you're never going to convince all of them to believe you.

In short, stop trying. When you realize there's no need to prove your intelligence to people you do'nt know, you've taken a big step.
With my comment earlier in the thread, I didn't say 'everyone who listens to Opeth is intelligent', and I didn't say that I was. What I meant was, I believe that it takes an open, intelligent mind to truly appreciate music like Opeth.
This seems to be turning into a discussion of what intelligence really is, and what it takes for someone to appreciate Opeth at an early age. One thing that hasn't been established yet is that intelligence and maturity have no connection. What maturity and intelligence mean is up for arguement, but the thing that all serious Opeth fans really have in common is a developed range of emotions. Someone as young as 10 may not have developed the emotions that they would need to appreciate such varied emotional music, but then again that applies to people over 20 also. People do not need either intelligence or maturity to appreciate emotional music. Being 15, Ive been able to see what is lacking in people my age who cannot appreciate Opeth: emotion.
OpethFan193 said:
You sure about that? Being above average intelligent-wise? Perhaps you should be a little more specific. I'm 17, and in school im not the brightest, but my knowledge of life and my way of speech is very good, I must say. I don't think it's necessarily maturity or age, I think it's how you feel on the inside. I listen to Opeth as an escape from real lifes problems, Opeth's music is beautiful, agressive and melancholy. I would think a 10 year old wouldn't be in the right mindset to apprieciate the emotional effect of music to the soul, compared to someone who is 20?

Same here but I'm 18
Guardian of Darkness said:
With my comment earlier in the thread, I didn't say 'everyone who listens to Opeth is intelligent', and I didn't say that I was. What I meant was, I believe that it takes an open, intelligent mind to truly appreciate music like Opeth.

I wasn't griping at you GoD. :) I think it does take an open mind to appreciate Opeth, and having an open mind itself requires intelligence. Or maybe I've just got a weird definition of intelligence. I still stick to my original quote of what intelligence is though.
godmachine12 said:
Case in point: lots of Opeth fans love Porcupine Tree and they aren't even close to similar.
Excellent point, Opeth has had a way of opening my mind to different styles of music, which is why I could so easily get into PT.
hahah little fags like Guardian of shit should be gased right away.Wooo look at me im a stupid kid with a toilet on my head.Im more intelligent then other trendy kids like myself cause i listen to Opeth.
Divine_intent said:
hahah little fags like Guardian of shit should be gased right away.Wooo look at me im a stupid kid with a toilet on my head.Im more intelligent then other trendy kids like myself cause i listen to Opeth.

You are one of the lowest, most obnoxious idiots I have ever encountered on a messageboard. You try and act elitist by sucking on Dying Sun's cock and agreeing with every post he has made. Hopefully one day you will find your way out of his arse and start thinking for yourself. Maybe even post about music, you pitiful fuck.

illbeleavinnow said:
If you guys are so smart why do you waste so much time here instead of doing something useful?

I'm 15, and yeah I'm above average but I have an excuse having no life and all. Doi.



Anyway, I just copied what GoD said because it was easier than posting again. :lol: I don't consider myself intelligent(Actually, I'm not just really really intelligent, I'd consider myself somewhat smart, I'm still a fucking idiot half the time though :ill: )just because I listen to Opeth though.

P.S. The glass is half empty. :Spin:
Divine_intent said:
hahah little fags like Guardian of shit should be gased right away.Wooo look at me im a stupid kid with a toilet on my head.Im more intelligent then other trendy kids like myself cause i listen to Opeth.

illbeleavinnow and Int said it best.....u really are an ignorant person for responding like that...especially since later on in the thread he says he doesnt mean he is intelligent...look at the posts before u respond with something like this
im 16, been into opeth since i was 14. been into metal, since i was 10 or 11, i would say im pretty intelligent, but well lazy :p i dunno if that has anything 2 do with my taste.

there is that saying tho:
'Simple music for simple people'