Younger Opeth listeners?

Pieless said:



Anyway, I just copied what GoD said because it was easier than posting again. :lol: I don't consider myself intelligent(Actually, I'm not just really really intelligent, I'd consider myself somewhat smart, I'm still a fucking idiot half the time though :ill: )just because I listen to Opeth though.

P.S. The glass is half empty. :Spin:

:tickled: I'm such an ass. :heh:

I'd like to add I'm not saying that young Opeth listeners aren't smart, but it's stupid to assume that because a band makes music that isn't your average sipmle stuff, all who listen to it are smart. It just doesn't work that way.
OpethFan193 said:
You sure about that? Being above average intelligent-wise? Perhaps you should be a little more specific. I'm 17, and in school im not the brightest, but my knowledge of life and my way of speech is very good, I must say. I don't think it's necessarily maturity or age, I think it's how you feel on the inside. I listen to Opeth as an escape from real lifes problems, Opeth's music is beautiful, agressive and melancholy. I would think a 10 year old wouldn't be in the right mindset to apprieciate the emotional effect of music to the soul, compared to someone who is 20?

I got into Opeth at age 11.... analyzed every section, every harmony. Id sit there for hours just picking out new parts of My Arms, your Hearse and trying to realize what he was saying.. wasn't too far off.. in between the age of 11 and 14 I wrote around 20 or so songs ... all underground atmospheric metal ... you'd be suprised at what some 10 year olds can do,... I know 10 year olds that are more intelligent than half the fucking brainwashed fuckers on this planet ..

But I know what your trying to say on the other hand.... most 10 year olds can't fully feel the "effect" of the music.. but the majority of little children are raised by christianiaty and todays education system which just puts kids into groups rather than teaching them that they are unique in other ways.
Cama_Zotz said:
I?m just curious..what was the answer? :D

I was smart enough to understand that both were somewhat correct. However, I used to say that half-full was correct because "half empty" to me would be somethng like saying "a little bit empty". Which, to me again, doens't make any sense.
Interesting thread. I'm 17, and I've been into Opeth since maybe December, and into metal since maybe when I was 15. I got a late start. I listened to classic rock and AC/DC type hard rock for a few years before that. I was never exposed to metal when I was 10, so I can't say if I would have liked it then. I thought I was fairly mature when I was 12 years old, but I realize now that I was far from it. I bet that a lot of the younger kids in here will think the same thing in a few years. Or not. Some people are more developed at a young age. I was always very intelligent (ACT score=32). That has nothing to do with it. I've only felt mature for the last six months maybe. I feel like the first 17 years of my life were a waste. Now I try to preach to younger kids to try to open their minds earlier than I did. Some music requires a certain emotional maturity to enjoy to its fullest. (Opeth, Dream Theater)
Well, this is interesting. And that troll is nothing compared to one we just encounted in the Symphony X board (look under the "whos better than mike romeo" thread)

I consider maturity and intellegence two different things. there is a guy in my class who gets like 99% in every test he does. he's a freek!! but if you talk to him not knowing he's that intelligent), you would think he's a 7 year old in a 13 year old body! he's so immiture and is a fucking assclown. yet, his IQ is light year above his age.
So he intelligent, but so immature.
And i'm more mature than him but he's more intelligent.

You dig?
CladInDarkness said:
Well there has been a large influx of younger kids as of late due to the popularity of opeth becoming larger.

true, but most of us started listening before the explosion of D&D

me personally, i started like right before BP was released
Palefolklore said:
...the thing that all serious Opeth fans really have in common is a developed range of emotions. People do not need either intelligence or maturity to appreciate emotional music. Being 15, Ive been able to see what is lacking in people my age who cannot appreciate Opeth: emotion.

I think that was very well said, Palefolklore. I believe the same to be true. That may be the reason I'm still surprised to this day when I hear harsh words from Opeth fans. I don't expect someone who claims to appreciate such emotionaly deep music to be so insensitive.

illbeleavinnow said:
I can't stand people trying to make themselves look smart at a young age. You're not gonna understand the world until you've lived it, so don't pretend like you do. I'll tell you what intelligence is, intelligence is the ability of explaining your philosophy to people, and understanding that you're never going to convince all of them to believe you. In short, stop trying. When you realize there's no need to prove your intelligence to people you do'nt know, you've taken a big step.

Fuckin' A! Especially to "you're not going to convince everyone." You can drive yourself to the looney bin trying that. I can't stand it myself when people try to sound/look smart at any age. What we call smart is opinion anyway. If you feel the need to impress someone, try impressing yourself.
Opet said:
I think that was very well said, Palefolklore. I believe the same to be true. That may be the reason I'm still surprised to this day when I hear harsh words from Opeth fans. I don't expect someone who claims to appreciate such emotionaly deep music to be so insensitive.

Fuckin' A! Especially to "you're not going to convince everyone." You can drive yourself to the looney bin trying that. I can't stand it myself when people try to sound/look smart at any age. What we call smart is opinion anyway. If you feel the need to impress someone, try impressing yourself.

I'm quoting you because you quoted some good quotes...err....:D

This is all true...I think all the opinions in this thread are very respectable! Of course they are all varied, but that's what opinions are. I'm impressed with these children (j/k ;) )

And what everyone said is right--feigning intellect gets you absolutely nowhere.
illbeleavinnow said:
Who are you calling children? :eek: :tickled:

I didn't quite understand your post Opet, were you trying to add on to my quote or go against it? :err:

She was agreeing with you (*really hoping Opet is a girl*). "Fuckin' A" means "Right on!, I totally agree!," etc....hahahah....ya silly little
kid :loco:

How old are you really? I don't feel like scrolling up
I'm 16, have been listening to Opeth since I was 14, and I've got a friend whom I introduced Opeth to him when he was 13(he's now 14) and they are his favourite metal band(seeing as how he likes other types of music, no not rap nor pop)