Your collection


Oct 14, 2003
Tell us about your music collection. I'm guessing allot of us old school guys have good sized collections, since we've been at it for awhile.

I turned a spare bedroom in my house into a music room, it houses all of the CD's and LP's along with books (all about music of course), the stereo, and the computer (which is nothing more than a musical aid used to burn discs, download music, or search the net for info about bands). A friend of mine is a big metal seller on eBay, I help him out a couple times a month and he pays me in LP's and CD's so my collection has been growing at a huge pace the last couple of years. The LP's have even started spreading out into the living room. I'm also kinda anal about this stuff, everything has to be in order on the shelves in alphabetical and cronological order... it drives my friends crazy when I'm nagging at them to put shit back in the right place. :)

Any other anal people here? Or any of you the type that has shit everywhere with no no order at all. A friend of mine is like that, he has some great stuff but can never find it when he wants to.
I'm currently only sitting on about 1250 CDs. I have some vinyl and cassettes that probably total up to 150 or so. My CDs are all alphabetical and chronological as well. No one puts them away but me since I know exactly where everything goes.
My collection is pretty small only 823 albums. Mostly is metal (classical and modern), but I have some prog and a couple of other things around. I'm not counting my old vinyls or my classical music collection (since I don't know how many I have :p ).

My CDs are all on alphabetical order by artist and then chronological order in each one.

I sent a special shelved furniture piece with the precise dimension for CDs in standard jewel or digipack size (so those special boxsets annoy me :err: ). Is in my room back in my house. Since I'm exiled now :tickled: studying in the university, I only have the latest acqusitions with me in those standard plastic towers (but always in order ;) ), the problem will be again moving all those back with me in June (I hope the guys in customs are tired that day).
my coolection isnt huge-a few hundred cd's and a few hundred peices of vynal.the lp's are all kept out of harms way,the cd's however are available to all-two of my eldest kids love listening to different stuff,but the little shits never put them back where they are supposed to go.
the eldest is 13 now-its not working out too bad because he buys some stuff now and i borrow it to listen to.sadly its all mainly poppy punk stuff like the offspring and blink 182,but i'll slowly get him into proper music.
what i will do though,is in 10-15 years time,i'm gonna go round to his place and trash his collection,just to see how much he likes it :hotjump: :hotjump:
I have almost 1500 albums. I keep my real CDS in a bookshelf which as of 2 months ago isn't big enough for my collection (I have to double stack CDS now) and I have 3 cd towers where I house my cdrs and compilation/soundtrack CDS. The rest is on my PC, most of which I haven't burned yet. I'd say at least 85% of my collection is metal, with the rest being classical, jazz, ambient, 70's prog rock, etc cds.
I'm on about 200 - 300 CD's. And 8 Vinyl. I keep them catalogued in Excel, but I havent updated it in a while. They're in alphachronological order, but I've been thinking about reorganising them into chronological.
Johnny Wonderpants said:
They're in alphachronological order, but I've been thinking about reorganising them into chronological.

Wow, that means you would have to remember what year an album came out to be able to find it in your collection. Good luck! :) It would be interesting to see a collection arranged like this however, because you could scan through it and see the musical changes over the years (along with how the owners tastes had changed). Interesting!

Do you guys divide you collections into genres? My CD's are divided into Metal, Punk, Americana (rootsy/country), Blues & Jazz, and misc. The LP's are Metal, Punk, Eighties, Comedy, Blues & Jazz, and misc.
duckattack said:
About 1,500 records, pretty evenly split between 7" and 12". About 200 cassettes. Never got into buying cd's, I probably have about 50 total.

Now that's Old School! Very cool Duckattack.

I have about 1,200 LP's and around 2,000 CD's. Have about 50 7" singles, never really collected them. And as for cassettes.... HATE 'EM!!! There may be about 20 laying around here. If I do pick one up cheap it's only to check out a band I've never heard and it gets replaced on LP or CD ASAP if I like it, either way they are given to friends after a while.
I think I have more than 4200 items in my collection, being most of them vinyls, and yeah, all of them ordered in alphabetic and numbered list
Here's the sad thing...I can't even TELL you how many albums, cassettes, and cd's I've owned....(owned is the operative word) HOWEVER, every now and then I get crazy and end up selling a ton of crap to the record stores for some instant cash to either get something else new or just for some quick $$$ in general. I always get screwed (about 5 bucks for a disc when you pay 15 new...) but sometimes ya gotta do what you gotta do. But I always regret it and never learn. ANYWAYS, I love ALL music so my collection ranges from metal to bluegrass with even some country, jazz, classical and TRUE rap in between. There are certain classics that I just will not sell. But a lot of times I let stuff go that I haven't listened to in years, thinking I won't miss it. Again, I always do eventually. But enough of my babbling and to answer the great GREENO's query, I have about 250 cd's and about 20 vinyl albums that I kept for sentimental reasons. (KISS Alive, OZZY speak of the devil - the coolest album cover ever!, stuff like that) The cd's are all my favorites, too. Stuff I can't part with. Incidentally, though, the advantage to a computer is that when I have pawned stuff off I can at least keep the audio! I'm only selling the packaging, so to say....
Greeno said:
Wow, that means you would have to remember what year an album came out to be able to find it in your collection. Good luck! :) It would be interesting to see a collection arranged like this however, because you could scan through it and see the musical changes over the years (along with how the owners tastes had changed). Interesting!
While that is a cool idea, I believe that's referred to as autobiographical (High Fidelity), alphachronological just means alphabetical by artist, and chronological by release within that artist...
Greeno I just noticed your Icon avatar.. :headbang: That album rocks!

My collection is pretty small (I'm 21 and always broke!).... About 300 albums.... probably 150 on vinyl and 200 on CD (I know that makes 350 but theres probably 50 I have on both vinyl and CD). It's pretty much all hard rock, sleaze glam, '80s metal and melodic rock/AOR. Also have some tapes that I bought cheap in the car, but mostly stuff I already had on vinyl or CD and bought on tape for the car as well coz they were 50 cents or something.

I've also got about 50 video releases and only a couple of music DVDs coz I only just got a DVD player recently! Um, as far as books go I just have Kiss' Hotter Than Hell (I really want Alive Forever!), The Headbanging History of Heavy Metal and of course the greatest book ever written - THE DIRT!

My records are in Alphebetical order, and my CDs are in no particular order but kinda grouped in genres I spose. All the glam CDs are together then the Maiden/Priest type stuff is together, etc. And with both the CDs and vinyls, I organise each band's albums in order of their release (so my collection is alphabechronical or whatever that dude said haha) so my Kiss vinyls go from "Kiss" through to "Alive IV", etc.
Johnny Wonderpants said:
While that is a cool idea, I believe that's referred to as autobiographical (High Fidelity), alphachronological just means alphabetical by artist, and chronological by release within that artist...

Just being in chronological order would be strictly by the year of release. Autobiographical does not depend on the year of release. Say you didn't hear Master Of Puppets until 1991 and you heard In Justice right when it came out, that would mean that Masters would be after Justice in your collection.

The first time I saw that scene in High Fidelity I thought it was a cool idea ......until I thought about it a little.:) That would be so hard to do!
ok I have to do this :) I am the fukin slob, When My cds are in order I have them catagorised by band and then do a thing where I clump any bands that are related intosections Exp. Megadeth/Metallica, Anthrax/Armored Saint and so on but thats on the perfect day, when I havnt gone on a insane listen to every cd I can kick, which is everyday lol so my cds always end up in cases but never the ones they belong in lol its a fukin mess so its hard to say what the actual count is up to Its gotta be up 900 or a thousand cds or so Thousands of cassette tapes I own 1 Record it Suicidal Tendencies First Album which is pretty cool and I even have a OLD Black Sabbath 8-Track kicking around I also have about 1000 mp3s Mostly Bootlegs lol those are the only things that are organised :p
JonnyD said:
ok I have to do this :) I am the fukin slob,

my cds always end up in cases but never the ones they belong in lol its a fukin mess

I'm sure you're not the only one, just the first one with the balls to admit it. :)

Let me ask you another question, JonnyD, do you consider your cd's as a collection? Why I ask is because I have a friend like you, his stuff is scatered all over the house, and he does not consider it a collection, even though he has over 1000 cd's it's just music to him. Like one time he spent $50 on an LP and asked me to put it on CD for him, then he told me to just keep the LP. To me that's crazy but to him he got what he wanted, the music. Don't get me wrong, the music is the driving factor, but the "hunt" for that rarity is also part of it for me.
The Trooper said:
Greeno I just noticed your Icon avatar.. :headbang: That album rocks!

Right on! The first couple Icon albums were great. Was thinking about changing my avatar, not sure what cover to use next..... maybe an Exciter cover.