Your favorite album of this year?

I Think until now, the best albuns are:

Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden
Edguy - Hellfire Club
Angra - Templo Of Shadows
Torture Squad - Caos And Torture Alive (if you do like a tecnical Thrash/Death Metal, you have to hear these band... it's magnificent!)
Dance of Death - Iron Fucking Maiden!
Ayreon - The Human Equation

Not only is it my favorite album of the year, it's my second favorite album of all time, right next to Scenes from a Memory...
To me, this is The Human Equation; regardless of what still has yet to come out this year. It's amazing how many times I can listen to that album and not get tired of it. Subsurface gets an honorable mention here as it is probably my second favorite this year.
Not to be nitpicky, but iron maiden was '03. I got it at last years progpower.

Susperia for me. They have just clicked with me in a way that no other album/band has so far. Though there is one album that could possibly overthrow that, and that would be the new Jag Panzer. Haven't listened to it enough yet, but fucking shit it rules.
Requiem - Mask of Damnation (My favorite, I don't even have enough words :D)
In Flames - Soundtrack To Your Escape (Wether ppl like them or not, They still rock real hard! :headbang: )
Pain of Salvation - 12:5 (Same here)
Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion. Nothing has even come close.

I was disappointed in The Human Equation and new Dead Soul Tribe. Honorable mention to the new Megadeth, which right now is in 2nd. :headbang:
i really gotta get the new into eternity, but cash flow is low, probly for christmas

but id say best this year

megadeth- the system has failed
cash megadeth always kicks ass, even though the cd is exactly amazing, it is still great