Your Favorite Viking/Folk Metal Band

Viking - Amon Amarth, Ensiferum and Bathory

Folk - Finntroll, Korpiklaani, Moonsorrow, Vintersorg, In Extremo, Falkenbach, Turisas, Windir, Einherjer, Battlelore, and Wintersun
I'm partial to Ensiferum, Finntroll, Bathory, Waylander, Elexorien, Moonsorrow, Wintersun (not so much folk/viking, but similar), and Skyclad. I'm a folk metal n00b, but I try.

Besides them, all the folk metal I listen to has been mentioned already, as well as some of the black, death, and pagan stuff, lol.

Melechesh rule but even though they are heavily influenced by Eastern music, I wouldn't call them folk metal. The song structures are death/black. You wouldn't call Nile a folk metal band for the same reason.
Melechesh rule but even though they are heavily influenced by Eastern music, I wouldn't call them folk metal. The song structures are death/black. You wouldn't call Nile a folk metal band for the same reason.

I would actually say Melechesh have far more 'folk' in them than other bands using Eastern influences. Melechesh's song structures (and just about all the drum patterns) are in fact based off of traditional rhythms and patterns. The enhanced Syphnx conent gives good insight into this. So bands like Melechesh and Rudra are much closer to folk than say, Orphaned Land, who are commonly labeled as folk. Sure they have folk passages, but the great majority of the music, save for said passages, are just regular Western scales and rock drums.