Your favourite guitar solos

The 70's taught (or should have taught) how leads and solos play an integral part of Metal music, and should not be dismissed or skimped on. Also, that professionalism, poignancy, and musicianship are never to be diminished in what one is doing (no excuses in just being lazy). It is shit like this which is why true Metal will always be the ultimate form of music (or at least up there with Classical). This is how you are supposed to do it, folks:


3:44 (long solo):

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Not a song that gets much appreciation when it comes to Metallica songs, but I always dug Hammett's solo in the song Escape.
l love

go to 1:25 if you cant stand the madness/it ...not so much a melodic solo or even traditional...but these boys play. Love the chops,tone and fuckyou l can play attitude about it all - Todd Duane guitar