Your favourite movie?

My absolute favorite is Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith...god I love that movie. The rest of my list looks like a lot of other people here, but add a healthy dose of Jet Li. X-men 1 and 2 are high on my list too.
well besides the Spy kids series (masterpieces in the art of cinema)

Taxi Driver

no order:
The Exorcist
Jacob's Ladder
Ghost World
Napolean Dynamite
American Beauty
Super Troopers

that's all i can think of for now

oh and Wrestlemania 10
dargormudshark said:
well besides the Spy kids series (masterpieces in the art of cinema)

Are you serious? :confused: :confused:

@Beelzebub and Luis:

Even though you might not like the story of LoTR, there is not way you can say the movie was bad. The scenery, the music, the acting, etc. I consider LoTR a milestone in film, even if you neglect the story itself.
American History X
My Cousin Vinnie
The Great Mouse Detective
So I Married An Axe Murdered
The Incredibables
BAH! How on earth could I have forgotten My Cousin Vinny? I LOVE that movie!

I also enjoy Shaun of the Dead a lot, but it's been on cable so often I am starting to get tired of it.
Thief(Jimmy Caan)
Silent Partner(Elliott Gould, Christopher Plummer)
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge Of The Sith
Last House On The Left
Eyes Without A Face(Les Aux Sans Visage)
Ripley's Game(John Malkovich)
These Are The Damned(Oliver Reed)
Shadow Of A Doubt(Hitchcock)
Phenomena(Jennifer Connelly, Donald Pleasence)- Argento may be the best horror auteur ever!
The Breakfast Club
Battle Royale
The Yakuza Papers(Greatest Gangster Epic EVER!)
Once Upon A Time In The West
Rob Roy(Best swordfight in any movie)
Team America
Well, a lot of ones... Carpenter's The Thing, Lynch's Mulholland Drive, the Alien serie, Dark City by Alex Proyas, The Dead Zone by Cronenberg, Donnie Darko, the Hellraiser serie, etc...
The Neverending Story / Die Unendliche Geschichte
The Blues Brothers
Dirty Harry
Enter the Dragon
Delta Force
Full Metal Jacket
The Godfather
Tarantino Films
sweepking said:
My absolute favorite is Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith...god I love that movie. The rest of my list looks like a lot of other people here, but add a healthy dose of Jet Li. X-men 1 and 2 are high on my list too.
Revenge of the Sith: It was pretty killer, but the plot seemed kinda rushed because of all the fight scenes (which were damn good). There were a few things that annoyed me, but it did kick total ass. It almost made the prequels worthy of the original trilogy's reputation. Almost. Nothing can make up for episode one's sucking.
I liked all of the prequel SW trilogy to be honest. Yes I hated Jar Jar, but I still liked TPM, and he was barely in the other two. The lighthearted stupid scenes in the first two have a new feel to them once you watch ROTS which is so dark. I do agree that ROTS was rushed though. He could have very easily have gone over three hours and it would not have seen long. The LOTR movies were longer, and there were a lot of scenes in the ROTS book that should have been included.
karelrulez said:
and Magnolia sucks. WTF, sitting for 3 hours, watching this movie.. and suddenly FROGS start falling out of the sky. What a nonsense.

Basically, I think it was a good movie, but when the frogs start falling the wohle thing starts to suck, because it's so unnecessary and the whole athmosphere is destroyed. At this point I felt like waking up from a nightmare. But it was one of the best Tom Cruise-perfomances, I've ever seen.

As to What dreams may come: Definitely, a movie worth watching with a brilliant Robin Williams, Annabella Sciorra, Cuba Goodings and last but not least Max von Sydow.

So what other films do I like? Basically SW, Indiana Jones, many David Lynch and Wim Wenders-films, Blade Runner, LotR, Matrix, Guy-Richie-Movies, Quentin Tarrantino and Ingmar-Bergmann-Films. And (don't know, if they are known in the USA at all) Rainer-Werner-Fassbender-films.

Well, there are too many to list them all here :).
Ok Well I love so many movies but ill drop it down nicely.

High Fidelity
Almost Famous
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Dead Poets Society
American History X
The Crow
Back To The Future Trilogy
Star Wars Trilogy (The originals, fuck the new ones)
The Matrix Trilogy
Happy Gilmore (Anything With Adam Sandler in it actually)
The Blues Brothers
Indiana Jones ( all of them)
The Fugitive
The Day After Tomorrow

:grin: lol

gifted_awakening said:
The Day After Tomorrow

My friends who are meteorology majors really loved this movie. I thought it was a waste of my time and I can't see why anyone would enjoy seeing it. Why did you like it?
I liked the Day After Tomorrow as well. In fact, its one of the few DVD's I own.

Actually I like a lot of post and pre apocalyptic movies:

Deep Impact
Titan AE
Waterworld ( :cool: )
The Postman
The Terminator
The Matrix
and so on....
How can helicopters freeze in the air but Dennis Quaid can walk from Pennsylvania to the New York Public Library unscathed? I don't have a problem with suspension of disbelief, but The Day After Tomorrow took it a little bit too far.