Your favourite movie?

Whoa, I like too many. Here's a few.

LOTR trilogy
all Star Wars (Ep. 3,5,6 fav's)
The Godfather
The Crow
Batman Begins
Big Fish
all Harry Potters
American Beauty
No Man's Land
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
Ben Hur
The Shining
Beelzebub said:
How can helicopters freeze in the air but Dennis Quaid can walk from Pennsylvania to the New York Public Library unscathed? I don't have a problem with suspension of disbelief, but The Day After Tomorrow took it a little bit too far.

The city froze over when it came under the eye of the storm. At the eye of the storm the colder air form the upper atmosphere is "sucked" down towards the ground. Notice at that moment, Dennis Quaid jumped into the freezer of a fast food restaurant and put all the heaters on. After the eye passes, the extreme freeze is gone and the weather returns to arctic levels, of which Dennis Quaid can survive due to his arctic gear.

greenaxer said:

OMG, how did I forget about that movie. Add Ben Hur to my list. :p

Disney's Prince of Egypt was pretty good as well. :cool:
dargormudshark said:
Indiana Jones is a faggot

Definitely not cool.

Kronikle66 said:
Sin City by far.

I liked Sin City as well, but I think the over excessive violence was added to compensate for the typical comic book plot. The use of black and white with the few moments of color was refreshingly different though.

But thats just me.

And by the way, are you Borlag on the DT forums?
soundgarden said:
Definitely not cool.

I liked Sin City as well, but I think the over excessive violence was added to compensate for the typical comic book plot. The use of black and white with the few moments of color was refreshingly different though.

But thats just me.

And by the way, are you Borlag on the DT forums?

Really? I thought the plots were damn nice. What I loved the most was how every character was badass in their own unique way. And a mental strong guy killing everyone he could to get answers about the murderer of a dead hooker, a guy and his hooker friends (one who happened to be a samurai) fighting over the head of a dead cop, and a retired cop in his sixties trying to save a little girl from a yellow guy who can't get wood unless his victims scream... well the only comic book with those kind of plots I know is... well Sin City. The entire movie was just a breath of fresh air. The violence was very stylized and I didn't mind it a bit. Really, how many other movies have that much style in kills?

I'm on no DT forums :P
Yea I admit, the violence was unique. The plot still seemed dull to me.

It was fun to see Frodo as a homicidal ninja nerd though. :tickled:
Ill post my current top 10

1. Aliens
2. Lord of the Rings trilogy
3. Conan the Barbarian
4. Predator 1 and 2
5. Batman (Tim Burton one) and Batman Begins (tie)
6. Star Wars all of em
7. Office Space
8. Happy Gilmore
9. Napoleon Dynamite
10.The Last Samurai

Runner up: The Terminator trilogy
If I cover my eyes during the Battle of Helmsdeep scene when the elves come, I like the second one the best.
Battle of Helm's Deep is my favorite cinema battle. I saw Two Towers before I read the books, so when I saw the bomb destroy the wall my heart skipped a beat lol. And the Elves marching in formation up the side steps coming to help the Men was a really nice part.

Overall, my favorite is The Two Towers.
to the guy asking about Charlie and the Chocalate factory........i thought it fucking awesome........not just awesome..........FUCKING awesome

As far as my favorite flicks go:

Interview with the Vampire
What Dreams May Come
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Crossroads (the old one w/ Ralph Macchio and Steve Vai)
Xmen (both of them)

Movies ive seen recently thta might eventually make it to tihs list:

Alexander-i enjoyed it becasue i really like the story of his life and all the myths about him, but someone less educated or less interested in his life would probably not like it as much as me

Batman Begins
Charlie and the Chocalate Factory
Wedding Crashers (almost as funny as anchorman)

...sorry, lost my temper for a second. Elrond and his sons went to the battle at the Black Gate though... Which didn't happen... They just wanted an excuse to put more elves in the movie... bastards.

ANyhow, the entended versions make those movies WAY better. Huorns rule \m/