Favourite Movie

A perfect mix of violence, pasta, and tender Sicilian breasts is the Godfather.
It has the best lines, f.e. "Leave the gun. Take the canolis."
The Godfather is brill because it makes an era and a place I normally would find utterly boring-- 1940s New York--interesting.
It has the best fight scene ever when Sonny bites his brother in law's hand and then kicks him into the puddle.
It is the best because Abe Vegoda tells Al Pacino an utterly simple recipe for pasta sauce that really works.
THE best, I say!
sure lots of us know simple recipes for pasta, whats the best about that? :erk: saying its THE best cos you read it somewhere and have come to the conclusion youre not alone with that belief, is bollix, are you a student? you never mentioned anything about cinematography there :D
breaklose said:
meryl streep looks like anastacia on this poster.
ah the fucker! Now im gonna think of it everytime i look at her:yell:

hey this remind me i like the last anastasia song, damn im becoming more and more a people.:erk:
ikeaboy said:
aye an 'excellent job' they all do 'excellent jobs' alright :lol:

and you go around calling people nerds? talk about denial :lol: :lol:

and no, they didn't do the new chainsaw massacre well enough. it was an ok horror movie by today's teenage slasher standards, but comparing it to the original.. well it's like comparing your humor with the best bunch of british comedy shows. :grin:
Crack Hitler said:
and no, they didn't do the new chainsaw massacre well enough. it was an ok horror movie by today's teenage slasher standards, but comparing it to the original.. well it's like comparing your humor with the best bunch of british comedy shows. :grin:

I haven't seen the original yet :cry: but enjoyed the remake as a popcorn flick. I hardly realised it was a horror film anyway because of Jessica "wet t-shirt contest" Biel running around in that jeans and tight shirt outfit for the whole lenght of the film. :)
Crack Hitler said:
and no, they didn't do the new chainsaw massacre well enough. it was an ok horror movie by today's teenage slasher standards, but comparing it to the original.. well it's like comparing your humor with the best bunch of british comedy shows. :grin:

now that right there, is nerd speak, are you off your fucking head or what? you dont even know youre a nerd, imagine that :lol: