Favourite Movie

Maqus said:
I just saw the new Almodóvar Bad Education, hmm, the one before this, Talk to Her was a cheesy nice thing, but this is hardcore gay. I can't even describe the feeling, it's not sadness, somehow worse. I mean the film is good, it just left me desolate and hopeless :(
youre using the word 'gay' a lot recently. doesnt suit you.
Highlander is best
Don Corleone said:
among my faves, but check out lost highway buy david lynch, the same director. it's just pure genius

i actually watched that one when it came out but were too young to understand a thing (about drugs, hallucinogenic dreams and stuff)

will have to watch that one again. together with trainspotting ;)
Had a nice chance yesterday to catch all three movies of this Belgian/French production (2002) known as 'Trilogy', all directed by a guy called Lucas Belvaux.

All three movies work on their own as well, but they're not that great if you think them only as separate movies. What is pretty cool, is that they all intervine and actually together manage to be greater than the sum of their parts. Think like Pulp Fiction or Rashomon or movies alike, but in that every story is their own movie. The style is totally different from mentioned movies, tho. The whole trilogy was very europian film like (well, duh) both in good and bad sense. Good in that people and their actions seemed real enough (esp. in the first and third film), bad in that sometimes these films tend to look really boring, being shot looking all natural. more like some german tv-shows about old balding detectives. that was only a distraction during the first 15mins or so for me however, since I got sucked in to the stories wanting to learn the whole picture. and in the end the style really fit to the mood of the films.

it was cool to realise my sympathies for main characters kept changing along the ride. who in the first one seemed to be one to cheer for, didn't after the third one seem too kind of a person anymore and vice versa. and it wasn't all about huge plot twists or anything, just that each character had their own motivations and reasons, which came clearer as the movies progressed and kept showing different views on same key moments.

good stuff. just that there is no way one can watch only one of these films, cause like I said they aren't that spectacular only on their own...

ah, and english titles for them films (in the order I saw them) are:

On the Run
Amazing Couple
After Life

maybe some of you around there have heard about these, no?
haha. gotta love the movie D.E.B.S.

I mean, you really can't go wrong with a movie that tells about a group of schoolgirl spies in schoolgirl uniforms, in really short schoolgirl skirts :Spin: it was a lot of fun, since the movie never takes it self seriously, but doesn't go down too far total slapstick -route either. yeah you can complain about the plot and all that, but the pros of this movie outweight the cons easily. more pros, eh? it has several scenes with hot chicks kissing and cuddling. nuff said :cool:

Saw this Korean movie Oldboy, directed by Chan-wook Park (Joint Security Area and Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance).

I thoroughly enjoyed (not a proper expression when talking about this movie and subjects it deals with) sitting in the theater from start to finish, but just today I started thinkin about the movie and the ending and got pretty down. Quite amazing piece of cinema, I gotta say.

Not spoiling too much, the movie tells about this ordinary guy getting kidnapped and imprisoned in what seems somekind of a private jail (think a hotel room which you cannot escape from), for 15 (!) years. He is released without notice and just as suddenly as he was kidnapped years before. Not too surprisingly he wants answers and bloody revenge.

Seeing two previous films of this guy I expected some brutal revenge action with a humane touch, but man, this film went way deeper than I thought. If there's anybody who's planning to see this, I don't want to discuss the plot and some issues here, but will just say, that this ain't a nice film. Sure, it had some dark twisted humor and all that, and it wasn't that depressing to watch and witness the story unfold, but like I said, the biggest impact on me happened today when thinking back to some scenes and the story arch :cry: I think this'll haunt me for awhile.

yous should give it a try, once it hits cinemas somewhere around there.

It's movie night, I can't decide though, the films sound shitty, I guess I'll watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.