Your first Katatonia song ever heard (& when)

It was... Actually my sister who introduced me Katatonia the first time back in 2001. It was 'Passing Bird'. A pretty nice song, although I didn't listen to them much until I got 'Viva Emptiness' when it came out. And now I like all their records...
was just over a year ago, my friend sent me evidence over msn and i was hooked from that moment on, have since acquired nearly every release
ah crap. I think it was either a song off of BMD... no wait... it was either Ghost of the Sun or We Must Bury You... that's not right..... BAH!!!! fuck it!!! my first Katatonia song was Ghost of the Sun and I'm leaving it at that!!!

*goes and slams head on the wall.
You are all n00b$...

Palace of frost, 1993 (i think it was.. perhaps -94...). My friend Oskar purchased the JEM demo from anders when they had a gig together with Internal Decay, which was a friend of his band...(i later purchased it from him for 5€ :p )
First album i bought was DoDS.
However, i forgot about them afterwards and first returned to purchase the rest of albums after TD was released.
First song I heard was 'Break'. I think I heard it back in August. A friend recommended Katatonia and that was the only song I could find for downloading.
First song I heard was Brave in about 1997, possibly 1998.
I went to a crappy little music store with a mate and picked up Brave Murder Day that had For Funerals To Come on it as well. My mate was quite jealous.
Glad I picked it up as Katatonia have been the most influential band in my life.
I can remember crearly : it was "I Break" in 2001, my girlfriend wanted to introduce me to this band.then i bought "last fair deal"
Erik said:
Pretty sure it was "For My Demons" around the time of the release of "Tonight's Decision"...

Summer 1998, "I Break". First song I ever heard from Katatonia. Brave Murder Day, the Songs of Decay EP and Discouraged Ones became the soundtracks accompanying seemingly endless pain and suffering in the two, three following years.

Modern day blues. :rock: