Your last purchase??

both Nightwish singers are pretty ugly IMO

@ Ben - why is the middle GRRM book looking kinda ratty?


1. Agalloch - The White + bonus stuff..

2. Finally got my lip pierced - Amon Amarth is tomorrow night, so I'll take pics and hopefully show you what the fish hook through the face looks like then!
Hellyeah, this is what i bought yesterday :heh:


Aren't you concerned you may literally hook a guy when you kiss him? ;)

haha only if he has one too.. i tried kissing with it last night actually (not smart to do with it still being fresh coz of other peoples germs n shit, tho i washed it with salt solution asap after..) - it was interesting.. its still a little sore so i cant really judge too much yet lol, but its definately interesting so far..
SilentRealm... wasn't it hard to manuever around while kissing. it just seems like it would feel like there is something between your mouths.

p.s. i have a friend who had 4 vaginal piercings! that kinda wierds me out hahahaha.
SilentRealm... wasn't it hard to manuever around while kissing. it just seems like it would feel like there is something between your mouths.

p.s. i have a friend who had 4 vaginal piercings! that kinda wierds me out hahahaha.

ouch @ the 4 lol.

youre not supposed to maneuver around it lol, you use it as part of the technique ;)
The original Livecrime does indeed own. That's QR at their ultimate peak.


Dodged a bullet today as WICKED t-storms formed over my town, and 4 tornados touched down 10 minutes away from here. I didn't even lose power.
Took a detour otw home and the few parts of the affected areas that I could see at night looked like war zones...Someone tell Mother Nature it's fucking January, and the worst I should worry about is how much snow I need to shovel.
@ Ben - why is the middle GRRM book looking kinda ratty?


1. Agalloch - The White + bonus stuff..

Cause it is kinda ratty. That's what you get for trying to save a dollar and also get both parts in the one book.

Just preordered the Agalloch - The White as well! :D Thanks for the heads up