Your last purchase??

Out of my later life - Einstein
Dreams of a final theory - Steven Weinberg
Particle physics in the new millennium - Collection of authors
Fountains of Paradise, Imperial Earth - Arthur C Clarke

And a giant 72" high bookcase to hold said books.
Another board i go to has a good thing where when you quote something with bigass pictures, you just remove the image tags. It still gives you a direct link to the picture but without the annoying scroll. It'd be cool if people could take the few seconds to do that.
A set of DR coated strings... in black and not red like I wanted :( And they're lighter than I wanted too, but the one shop that still stocks them said they're not going to stock them anymore.. :(

I'll have to order over the internet or something
A set of DR coated strings... in black and not red like I wanted :( And they're lighter than I wanted too, but the one shop that still stocks them said they're not going to stock them anymore.. :(

I'll have to order over the internet or something
Even thoguh ordering off the internet takes more time, in the long run, I'd rather the UPS guys used more gas than I did.
um... actually that is taken into account when they set their shipping rates, hence them being raised every so often... you still pay for the gas either way.

I did read something a while back about UPS or FedEx looking in to slowly rolling their trucks over into hybrids of some kind. I usually don't mind paying for shipping either way as, for right now, I haven't had to buy gas since December. :lol:
^^ My books are double and triple shelved, and I think I still have boxes and boxes of them at my dads place... he has more room than I do.
^ haha, yeah they're the ones... You shoulda voted on the related bmusic poll... :p

The only thing I don't like, is how it means the strap is sitting out a bit from the body of the guitar...

I thought I did, I'm pretty sure I brought them up, was it an actual poll?
Either way, good choice. My old Les Paul I bought used in 1980 had them, so I'm used to the strap sticking out. Regular strap buttons freak me out now...