There are still great companies out there that give you your money's worth (if not more). The only problem is that almost all of them are upper-end/boutique builders and can be pretty pricey. Someone who has the money and is willing to invest 2500-3000 for a custom Suhr or Anderson is going to get a guitar that is worth that much money. Unfortunately, there just aren't many companies that cater to people who want a nice guitar but are shopping in the Korean-made Ibanez price range. It's not too hard to find a good mexican Fender and turn it into a great player though.
I think the biggest thing when buying guitars (especially expensive ones) is where your financial priorities are. I, for example, have no problem paying top dollar for gear that I really want. On the other hand, I would never buy expensive cars, extravagent computer setups, huge home entertainment systems, etc. I had a lot of killer gear when I was still in high school simply because the only things I put my money toward were A)saving for college and B) gear. I wasn't going out, partying, putting money into my car, etc. like most of my friends were.
I think the biggest thing when buying guitars (especially expensive ones) is where your financial priorities are. I, for example, have no problem paying top dollar for gear that I really want. On the other hand, I would never buy expensive cars, extravagent computer setups, huge home entertainment systems, etc. I had a lot of killer gear when I was still in high school simply because the only things I put my money toward were A)saving for college and B) gear. I wasn't going out, partying, putting money into my car, etc. like most of my friends were.