Your last purchase??

MrFast said:
You would have payed more for the gas than the pickup itself, which is already quite pricy... But you would have had the privilege of meeting me which would make it totally worth it :lol:
Indeed:headbang: Besides, I've always wanted to go to Canada.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
^ All right, I was hyperbolizing when I said the only black metal I like is Emperor. I do actually like early Behemoth, and uhh... well, that's it. Gimme some recommendations for really good albums if you think I'm missing out on anything in the black metal genre. :erk:

As for Immortal, OKAY I LIED. I've never even heard them. They seem so ridiculously cheesy from what I see all over the internet though, that's why I don't like them... :erk: I know it's stupid to avoid listening to a band because of their image. Well, I still don't think I'll like any of it.

-DIMMU BORGIR- DEATH CULT ARMEGEDDON (my personal favorite anyway, great keyboard production)
-Satyricon- dark medieval times, now diabolical, and nemesis divana (but that's when Satyr wasnt there, right?)
-AnyVenom, but Ressurection is the best IMO.
-some Gorgoroth, Under the Sign of Hell is my favorite.
- Behemoth's Demigod is great also, but if you only like early Behemoth you may not like it.
- Hellhammer- Apocolyptic Raids (which is their only album, sadly)
-Zyklon- Aeon

There's probably quite a few more, but I'm tired.

and don't get any Cattle Decapitation or Pig Destroyer. You want cheesy and plain idiotic, it's them.
I like Gorgoroth's newest disc. I disagree with now diabolical by Satyricon, but it's pretty accessable so maybe not a bad place to start... i'd suggest nemesis divina because it's black metal but the production is pretty decent. And Satyr DID play on nemesis D.

AS far as immortal goes, i'd say start most recent and work back simply due to production not being great on earlier albums (even though the material is fantastic).
Montu Sekhmet said:
- Behemoth's Demigod is great also, but if you only like early Behemoth you may not like it.
Luckily, I've heard many of Behemoth's records. They've actually been one of my favorite extreme bands for a while. Their stuff really isn't black metal though, or at least normal black metal, and that's why I was able to like them much easier. I'll also take all of the other recommendations you mentioned. Better to try them all out to see if they are really significantly different.
DoomsdayZach said:
I like Gorgoroth's newest disc. I disagree with now diabolical by Satyricon, but it's pretty accessable so maybe not a bad place to start... i'd suggest nemesis divina because it's black metal but the production is pretty decent. And Satyr DID play on nemesis D.


It's a good place to start for Tubbs, because I think I sorta know what he likes.
The other day I bought:

Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes

I had been looking to get it for ages now and happened to find it in Pet Sounds for only $18!! For me this album is a collector's item.
I bought my wife a coffee this morning. The coffee grinder broke, our daughter's sick in bed, and she looked in dire need of a refresher. I sent her flowers yesterday and she cried.

I'm saving up money for a kegerator and some cornelius kegs. Bottling beer is pretty tiresome and kegging is so much easier.

Stream of Passion DVD is the last musical purchase. It's cool as hell!