Your last purchase??

What? Why wouldn't you like Agalloch? They kick all sorts of ass.

Because it's fantastic Tali. Because it's fantastic.

Only listened to it twice so far....first impressions didn't redirect the bloodflow to my penis thats all...i will give it the full treatment this weekend (just spent $5kAUS on a new home entertainment system and it has arrived at the shop today) :headbang: so i'll have no money for a while and will have no option but to sit at home and crank some tunes.

:worship: TOCCATA!!!
I just picked up The Mars Volta's "Amputechture" today. I've been so out of the loop, I didn't even realize they had a new disc out. Sounds pretty rad so far.
just bought

Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side :headbang: best album of the year IMO, I actually got excited and started kissing the cover when I found it at the local record store :lol:

Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain; like Rich said they are good but I don't get why they are SO popular, for me it's kind of just good mellow background music, mind you I have trouble getting into the really mellow stuff these days. The music in it is beautiful, and everything I've heard from Agalloch so far makes me think of scenes out of 'shadow of the colossus' where the guy is just riding the horse through the different settings (not sure why really..). My only problem with Agalloch so far is I keep waiting for something big to happen in the songs, and they never do.. it can be disappointing. Other than that though it's all good.
I dunno, i think agalloch just has such a natural sound and beauty... some great acoustic passages. Plus when i was at Don's place, he said that the initial goal of Agalloch was to completely rip off Ulver's Bergtatt, so that is part of the appeal for me :D
DoomsdayZach said:
I dunno, i think agalloch just has such a natural sound and beauty... some great acoustic passages. Plus when i was at Don's place, he said that the initial goal of Agalloch was to completely rip off Ulver's Bergtatt, so that is part of the appeal for me :D
Same here. Agalloch's first album = BRILLIANT. :kickass: