Your last purchase??

So today in the mail along with


Tyr-Eric the Red


Saturnus-Veronika Decides to Die


My Shameful-The Return to Nothing

i got....





Oh the fucking beauty. OMC FTW
Neither have I, but if Zach got their entire discographie plus vinyl, it must be good.
Like dimmu, but a bit more raw. Less symphonic, but epic in their own way.

if you like dimmu only for the orchestration and vortex, you won't like OMC. If you like dimmu for the composition and songwriting, you will like OMC.

By the way, galder (the goofy fucker who looks like a clown) from dimmu is the main guy in OMC. Writes all the stuff and stuff

Here's their myspace. I think Black Seeds on Virgin Soil will be the best to start with, though all the songs are good. Overall, every album is great for one reason or another (the older stuff is more classic bm almost in the vein of emperor and such at times, newer is more epic) but i think the easiest album to get into the band with is In Defiance of Existence.

And ptah, it's not their entire discog. I need Vermin on vinyl (the newest one). So hah.
Oh yeah, my last purchase, a copy of the book...

"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand

(I think that's how I spell her name)
Christmas has just come early...

I just received TSO- The Lost Christmas Eve
TSO- The Christmas Attic
TSO- Christmas Eve And Other Stories

I also didn't have to pay anything for them because I won them in a competition last Christmas from my local prog radio program...

I'm pretty cheerin'!!!