Your latest G.A.S. purchases

I'm really gassing for a Marshall Micro Stack right now. How messed up is that. If I can't have a full size stack, my brain is re-directing itself towards a tiny one I guess. I seriously think though with my tube king pedal I could get by OK with that little sucker.
Where did you buy it from? I hope you're getting some kind of compensation for a broken tube? Obviously it wasn't packed well enough to counteract the bad handling of the delivery driver that no doubt closely resembles a fucking ape, both in intelligence and the fact of his knuckles dragging on the floor.

I got it used off of ebay. It was actually really well packed. The guy even shipped the tubes separately from the amp using no less than 3-inches (thickness) worth of bubble wrap for each tube. It took me 15 minutes to unwrap everything. The problem I think is that he wrapped the bubble wrap around the rectifier tube a little too tight causing it to crack.

I don't mind too much because a) I was going to replace them anyways and b) it's not like he cut corners on packing.
I tested a mg50 today at GC and actually liked it.

Reading this makes my eyes bleed :cry: Seriously, in my last band the other guitarist had an MG100 combo, and the thing was *ok* in the room, but got so painfully harsh when the volume was a crankin'. However, my current co-guitarist has a Crate Flexwave 120 combo, and I gotta be honest, the orange channel on that thing sounds...really good. Not recording-worthy good, but at band practice it runs with my Dual Rec/Stiletto 4x12 stack no problem - anyone who wants a good practice/gigging amp with three channels, built in FX, and good footswitchability, check out the Crate Flexwave series, I'm not kidding!
Reading this makes my eyes bleed :cry: Seriously, in my last band the other guitarist had an MG100 combo, and the thing was *ok* in the room, but got so painfully harsh when the volume was a crankin'. However, my current co-guitarist has a Crate Flexwave 120 combo, and I gotta be honest, the orange channel on that thing sounds...really good. Not recording-worthy good, but at band practice it runs with my Dual Rec/Stiletto 4x12 stack no problem - anyone who wants a good practice/gigging amp with three channels, built in FX, and good footswitchability, check out the Crate Flexwave series, I'm not kidding!

thanks for the tip!
Anyways, here's my new GAS purchase.


the HD rig generates money in the long run (at least that's what I'm hoping)....
PT is almost a necessity for big-scale-bands distant-mixing nowadays

I see. I was wondering how often bands from around the world would contact a distant studio but obviously some of them will if the sound is good and the price is right. Have you lost potential clients because you don't have PT or is that something you'll know once you have PT?
I´ve got Cubase 5 coming in a few days, just ordered my Slate 3.0 upgrade and last but not least... I´ve got a brand new computer with the new Intel i7 on it´s way! :headbang:
Got a EMU XBOARD 61 some cheap guitar stands and some of that foam to isolate my monitors from my shit desk this week
And on my short term wanted list is 1.ADA 8000 2.Omnisphere 3.Big Ikea Desk 4.Monitor Stands 5. At 4050 6. DIY acustic treatment