Your latest G.A.S. purchases


but I bought a green one. Which will make way for the PT track and multitrack beat detective upgrade.
Peavey 5150 EVH (Block Letter)


Now that I have these 2 (Block Letter and Signature), I'm going to open both and demythify if there is any difference or not between them.
I always heard lots of stories about different transformers, different capacitors, different circuit, etc.
I'll take some pics of the differences (if they exist) and post them here.

Yeah I actually prefer the look of the 401 in black without all the binding but I got that 1000 model even cheaper than a 401 so I can't complain! :kickass:

It´s a matter or taste for sure. This whole abalone stuff kills most schecters and ltds for me, which is sad...

Binding or not, it´ll sound awesome anyway :kickass:
