Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Hey...but what happened to your macbook pro? I read it died some days ago

dunno. yet. dropped it off for repair this morning.
still under warranty fortunately.
Basically. it ran out of battery, then wouldn't charge or power on.
dead Logic board possibly i reckon.
Two of these babies: Genelec 1031A. Eventually got them for 800 euro's (set price!)...


1.5 Tb eSATA
(Barracuda 7200.11 + Advance BX-E3501B )

Fookin nice. Celebrating my 5th terabyte...
That is exactly the power conditioner I intend to buy. Do you like it so far? Is the build quality OK? Seems to deliver a good bang for the buck...

I have no idea. I won't have a chance to plug it in until later this month. What I dislike is having female IEC connectors on it instead of Australian style power sockets. Pretty shitty compromise to make just so Furman can save money and make all their international products conform to one design.
Just bought this beauty. Don't have it yet, I'll have my hands on it next sunday - can't wait!


I fell in love with the coloring... Transparent wine red had me sold the moment I saw it.

But that's not the best part... Many people think these are the best sounding drums ever made. They're still being manufactured, and that bass drum alone would cost over 1000€ new. These were made back in '88, though. The condition of the bass drum could be better, but I got the price down a bit because of that.
Many people think these are the best sounding drums ever made.

well then ... many people are wrong. For THIS is the best kit ever created by man or woman.

And it will cum in the ear pussy of anybody who dares to hear it!!

(just kiddin' withca! that is a very sweet kit you got there)
Take care

Recording customs? Personally I'm more into toms that are a bit shallower, but those will bring the boom for sure. I've played a few of those kits and yeah, they're really good. The kit I've done most recording with is actually a Yamaha as well, they're the more current maple custom series and really good too.