Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Do Want!

I tried ordering some from Musician's Friend last week, but they're back-ordered until the end of the month. :(

I did however manage to pick up this bad boy:


and it's making my mixes sound 100% more awesome.

14x9 pearl African mahogany snare

Drummers of course but it kills the trick 14x7 aluminium one next to it. So much woody crack, kicks so much through loud ass practices.
Its a Weber. The Metroamps are gorgeous, but for $400 more than the Weber I couldn't justify it. Especially when I priced the BOM the Weber myself and could have saved $100 if I did my own sourcing.

The only choice of grill cloth more intricate was the oxblood and I didn't think it'd look right with the rest of the package. An old radio grillcloth like this from a Zenith would be cool.

seagate momentus 500gb 7200 rpm for my Macbook pro. Finally a quick decent sized system drive!!
Just frankensteined it into a LaCie to clone my Drive.