Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Well I just bought it with a few days left from my trial period. At first I honestly felt like it was hardly doing anything and that I was wasting time using it. But over the past two months I've been using it more and more and have come to feel as though it's a very valuable plug to have. I catch myself running it on a lot of tracks and honestly it does improve them, I've even been messing with it on the 2bus with pleasing results as well. It gets my vote that's for certain.

what does it do? add slight distortion, compression and eq?
Description from 112dB's site: said:
Redline Preamp livens up any "too clean" signal with a customizable combination of even and odd harmonics, saturation, and soft clipping. Redline Preamp is a vintage console channel, a musical grunge machine, and everything in between.

Unique and concise editing options allow for anything from subtle coloration to high-class grunge, from vintage emulation to fattening of digital mixes. A showcase selection of carefully constructed presets ranging from the American Vintage to the full-blown Beyond Repair is included.

Highlight features include proprietary zero-latency tube modelling with detailed harmonics control, three tunable frequency bands with solo listening, and mid/side processing.

I guess the comparison would be like in the same vein as Slate's VCC plugs loosely.


1978 Marshall JMP 2203


Played a 1980 JMP 2203 for a while. Loved that damn thing especially with the DS-1 in front of it.