Your latest G.A.S. purchases

update... one hour later thanks to carbon copy cloner my laptop booted straight up onto the new drive..
can't reccomend that software enough!!

BTW if anyone else has to do this and just so happens to not have a Torx T6 screwdriver (who does!!) a pair of pliers and the right sized flat headed screw driver works just fine ;)
Laptop is noticably nippier. why they come with 5400 rpm drives stock is beyond me

seagate momentus 500gb 7200 rpm for my Macbook pro. Finally a quick decent sized system drive!!
Just frankensteined it into a LaCie to clone my Drive.

That reminds me, I need to do this too. Too bad my MBP is an early 2008, so it's going to be a bit more of a hassle to install it. My space's really running out though and I want to have a bootcamp partition again.
How do you like the 530 vs mp1?

I like them for different things. I use the E530 only on metal, especially when playing with 7-string. Haven't got any good sounds from the clean channel, sounds kinda lifeless to me.

Ada Mp-1 is my favourite of those two. You can get nice sounds from sparkling cleans to bluesy crunch to 80's metal. For modern metal it needs a bit of boost, but not for the gain, but to give more attack to the sound.

Maybe I should do a quick tone shootout between the 3 preamps when the Marshall arrives.
I like them for different things. I use the E530 only on metal, especially when playing with 7-string. Haven't got any good sounds from the clean channel, sounds kinda lifeless to me.

Ada Mp-1 is my favourite of those two. You can get nice sounds from sparkling cleans to bluesy crunch to 80's metal. For modern metal it needs a bit of boost, but not for the gain, but to give more attack to the sound.

Maybe I should do a quick tone shootout between the 3 preamps when the Marshall arrives.

That's be awesome, id really love to hear jmp1 vs mp1.

we just figured out how to use the mp1 properly (thanks to nocturn) and it's fucking amazing with a ts9 and 1960a cab!

My je1000 has more crunch and is more tubey/loose. But it makes me grin listing to the mp1.
A guy here in Melb put 'er up on eBay listed for $1,250 'Buy it now'. So I put in a longshot offer of $800 (roughly what I paid for my ADI-8 AE) and found out tonight that he accepted it.

The main limitation of this unit is that it only goes to 48kHz sample rate, but since I mostly mix 44, I don't think it will be too much of a drawback. Importantly, it lets me finally install my RayDAT card, and put the Multiface up for sale!
Well I just bought it with a few days left from my trial period. At first I honestly felt like it was hardly doing anything and that I was wasting time using it. But over the past two months I've been using it more and more and have come to feel as though it's a very valuable plug to have. I catch myself running it on a lot of tracks and honestly it does improve them, I've even been messing with it on the 2bus with pleasing results as well. It gets my vote that's for certain.