Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Just got it from the UPS guy, upgrading from my old Presonus 2626. I lost 8 ADAT inputs, but the drivers on the Firestudio were too awful.
Niceee...are the rly that cool?

Definitely, they are the best headphones I've ever tested. The frequency response is really accurate. Everything sounds crystal clear and they feel like you have nothing in your head. Very comfy and they are loud as fuck with no distortion. There was an offer in a local store and I couldnt resist!
Not a gear purchase, but it's about gear so I hope that counts :) I have been looking at these two books for quite sometime, hemming and hawing over the cost as each were about $60.00 when they first came out, and always thinking my money could be better spent. Well, my wife got the hint and for my birthday last month she bought me both of these books:



Both are by Tom Wheeler and I've finally started reading them - well at least the one on Fender Amps. These are truly beautiful books with some really great technical detail without being strictly product manuals. The amp one has some really great insight into the man behind Fender - Leo himself. I have read quite a bit about him, but this book really gets into how he became probably the most important figure in amplification history, one that all others owe a debt to - and most of those that followed and started other amp companies or used Fender designs as the basis for their own amplifies, such as Hartley Peavey, speak glowingly of the man and his genius.

If you love amplification and are interested in the stories behind so many classic amps (at least from the Fender line, but they talk to many of the other manufacturers that at one time involved with Leo like Randall Smith of Mesa Boogie fame), then these are some really great books to dive into.

I'm halfway through "The Soul of Tone: Celebrating 60 Years of Fender Amps" and I'm loving every minute of the read. I suspect I will enjoy the Stratocaster one just as much.

Both of these books are so much more than electronic manuals, hey are about Leo Fender, the Fender company, and not only Fender, but the whole amplifier industry, how Fender amps changed not only the music we listen to and create, but the entire culture of some forms of music.

I'll tell you what - reading this amp book really has me GASing something fierce for an old vintage Tweed or something.

So not really Gear, but well worth the investment my wife made for me :)