Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Expect to see some more gear pics once it arrives..

Fuck gear pics, this is what cameras are for / REAL photographers do with these:





The DT880, right?

Went to a shop to decide for new headphones today, they sound really good indeed + If there's a special deal than its a no-brainer for sure :wave:

Yes, they're the 880.

I was looking for a pair of cans since last year and they were in my list of favourite ones. When I saw them in a local store for 180€ it was like having an orgasm!

First I was after the PRO version but the 2005 880 are just the same. The 880 non-pro sounded much better to me. They are exactly the same, there's just some more space between the ear and the phone in the 880 non-pro, giving more air to the sound. I really love them.
Yes, they're the 880.

I was looking for a pair of cans since last year and they were in my list of favourite ones. When I saw them in a local store for 180€ it was like having an orgasm!

First I was after the PRO version but the 2005 880 are just the same. The 880 non-pro sounded much better to me. They are exactly the same, there's just some more space between the ear and the phone in the 880 non-pro, giving more air to the sound. I really love them.

Yeah that's one of the reasons why I didn't choose them...they only had the newer version, which costs 250€ there, compared to the ones that are the same which make 199€...
but I decided for the Sennheiser HD 650 anyway...hope I can score them for 255€ tomorrow :headbang:
Yeah that's one of the reasons why I didn't choose them...they only had the newer version, which costs 250€ there, compared to the ones that are the same which make 199€...
but I decided for the Sennheiser HD 650 anyway...hope I can score them for 255€ tomorrow :headbang:

If you can have the HD600 instead, you'll save a bit of money AND have some headphones that are slightly more balanced and less veiled in the upper mids and treble.

I AB'ed a whole lot of headphones lately.
If you can have the HD600 instead, you'll save a bit of money AND have some headphones that are slightly more balanced and less veiled in the upper mids and treble.

I AB'ed a whole lot of headphones lately.

Wanted to test these ones too, but no one had them in the store and I had to order and buy it if I wanted to hear it, unfortunately :(

I also noticed that they are a little harsh in the highmids, the treble is ok, but I thought that they could be a little bit smoother in the high mids, but only on certain productions.
What I really loved was the tightness of the bass and low end on the 650 <3
But since my old ass AKG lacked a lot of power in that high end area I have to get used to some more high mids anyway :lol:

But thanks for the tip anyway man, I appreciate it!
Same here LSD Kicks!

Oh and grats on the Saffire llanafreak44 I am sure you will love it as I do :)

It's already amazing. The preamps have a LOT more noticeable juice than the 2626, and it hasn't fucked up or given me any problems since I installed it. Only problem is that the lowest latency I can get out of it is 6/13ms.