Your latest G.A.S. purchases

FINALLY JOINED THE CLUB, now I just need an amp :dopey:

Had to leave my Recto 412 at home when transferring schools. Ordered a Recto 212 to replace it, but it wasn't in stock (Mesa is sending out a new batch in Mid March) so on a whim I switched up my order to a Roadster (same as stilleto 212).

Of course some of you will recognize this as the venerable Ola Englund cab :lol:

Also, excuse the shitty dorm room :lol:
My Samsung 204b monitor that I got four years ago flickered out to darkness today, so I had to buy a new one. Ended up with


got it pretty cheap, and went up a few inches (from 20 to 23) and from standard size to widescreen, so I'm hesitantly stoked and hoping this one wont crap out for at least four more years.:)
Is that related to the VH-140?

if so......fucking brutal :headbang:

nah, vl-1002 is like the best marshall ever made

sucks they have crap tons of reliability issues though...supposedly jackson designed it, then ampeg cheaped out on a bunch of components and they just break constantly - to the point that ampeg won't even admit ever producing them!
Move the taps and lights, do the switching mod and direct connect the power board instead of molex does it still have reliability issues?

nah, vl-1002 is like the best marshall ever made

sucks they have crap tons of reliability issues though...supposedly jackson designed it, then ampeg cheaped out on a bunch of components and they just break constantly - to the point that ampeg won't even admit ever producing them!
Not a Stiletto. I would know, because the last cab I had was a Stiletto that I had mistaken for an Oversized :lol:

EDIT: Dear god I hope it's not a Stiletto, if so, FML.
I'll do just that. The Mesa I had last time was in super bad condition + had a new grill cloth, so I can't tell right now if it is in fact just a Stiletto in good conditon. If it is indeed a Stiletto again, it's going straight to Clist.
Does the Bottom of the Logo sit RIGHT on the Transition from Straight to Slant? Is the Piping Grey/Gray rather than closer to Black? I have had a Trad Straight as well as an Oversize Slant and Oversize Straight. I can generally pick the difference. I hope I am wrong for you though in this case. :confused:.

EDIT: Does it look like this: (focus on where the Logo is positioned): Cabinets/RECTOcabs/Recto4x12SDsl-LG.htm

OR THIS: Cabinets/StilettoCabs/Stiletto4x12TRsl-LG.htm