Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Focal Twin monitors:

Presonus Central Station DA and controller:

Palmer Daccapo reamp box:

Ultimate MS-45B stands:

Steinberg Wavelab 7:

Now... how am I supposed to stay sane until they arrive?

You will hear the low mids more clearly than you ever thought possible with the twins. I LOVE mine.
By fapping?

Tell us how you like the Focals when you get them. Care to tell why you chose these? What were your other opinions?

Sure will. In the price range I was pretty much limited to Genelec 8050's, Event Opals and the Twins. I've worked with 8050's a lot in a couple of different rooms and never really liked them. Somehow I keep making crap decisions whenever I work with them. The Opals are rather new, and there are basically two kinds of user experiences: those who hype the monitors to hell and back and those who think they have a slightly sweetened low end and a bit cloudy mids. I have no chance to try them, unfortunately, so what do I know. The general consensus on the Twins seems to be that they're brutally honest in the mid range, which is something I like, so I thought I'd grab a pair and just return them if I won't get on with them :)
The beryllium tweeter takes a bit of time to break in then they sound fabulous. Leave itunes on loop overnight for a few days to speed up the process.
I'm working on a 5150 that I saw on Craigslist for $600. Looks to be in awesome shape. I'm first in line to look at it tonight. Wasn't planning on buying one, but how can I pass up that deal?
Ah, the "auf" vs "an" idiom. For us, it's "on the wall".
Thanks :) I still hate myself because of it but I never cared for grammar. I even chose the english advanced course for my high school graduation ("Abitur") and got a good mark, but I have no clue of grammar whatsoever. Using what "sounded" and felt right was good enough for school.. but I regret it often enough on here :bah:

Oh I nearly forgot this:
Got it "for free" for subscribing to the "Professional Audio Magazin" (62€ for a year), hehe
All subscription gifts I saw until today just suck.. how the fuck do they still make a profit? :lol:
Thanks :) I still hate myself because of it but I never cared for grammar. I even chose the english advanced course for my high school graduation ("Abitur") and got a good mark, but I have no clue of grammar whatsoever. Using what "sounded" and felt right was good enough for school.. but I regret it often enough on here :bah:=

I wouldn't feel too bad, you're grammar is better than a lot native english speakers on here.
Oh I nearly forgot this:
Got it "for free" for subscribing to the "Professional Audio Magazin" (62€ for a year), hehe
All subscription gifts I saw until today just suck.. how the fuck do they still make a profit? :lol:

No shit? I think I'm gonna subscribe!

*edit* nevermind, looks like the price is about 50% higher for Americans!
I heard a pair of these coupled with two Focal subs a while ago. I thought they sounded amazing for the very short term I listened to them. Very detailed and full sounding overall. It really felt like listening to an audio microscope or something. :)

Excellent :) I'm toying with the idea of expanding with the sub in the future, but I doubt I'll feel the need to do so any time soon. The Twins should be quite a leap forward from my trusty Yamaha HS80's :)