Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Came across these while I was debating whether or not to buy this one...I'm really glad that mine doesn't have the smaller headstock. Not my favorite.

Yeah the wraparound bridge threw me off. Yours has the regular jack and pot positions...I thoight the melody makers were great...until I paid closer attention. Gibson ain't never doing something like a highway one.
How's it going anyway, Bog? I guess you can tell us when you pair it with the ATH-M50s tomorrow. Shame about the build quality though - real let down and uncharacteristic of RME there.

Anyway, the mouse feels great. Light, small, ideal for finger grip. Buttons are softer and quieter than the Salmosa. Only issue is that it keeps setting my scroll wheel speed to some arbitrary value on every reboot, which doesn't correspond to what it's visually set to. Seems the drivers, as always, are still a little iffy with Razer.
Good luck with the durability on that razer stuff though. My buddy at work bought an Orochi a month ago and the teflon feet have already begun to give way.

I'm really happy with my Cyborg RAT...except for when it gets a mind of it's own (very sensitive to vibrations and sometimes inexplicably gets stuck in the x axis only)
The clips I've heard of that amp sound fantastic. Hope you get it.

You're in luck then, I've pretty much settled on this one. Blasted away with it in the store's amp room next to Mesas, ENGLs, Kranks, Oranges; slayed them all. Half the price of the average Mesa/ENGL over here to boot! Should have it within the next couple of months when I've paid off the deposit. Will definitely post some clips :kickass:

Off topic, but I fucking loath Orange amps in black tolex. Looks goofy to me.

You and me both, that was unfortunately the best image I could find of the damn thing :lol:
There is definitely a different technique to playing those since the mostly have long scaled necks. But once you get the space issues down, they aren't that bad. Intonation is hard but with practice they are just absolutely beautiful. Need some comments on our music writing and tell us if you think what we are doing sounds good or not.

Thanks everyone.
how come you sold on the oktavas dude ?

Wasn't going to be recording anything but electric gtrs/vocals for about a year (which turned out to be true, unfortunately), needed the cash. :lol:

What he said... plus, what made you get the NT5's? :) Curiosity!

Was never fully thrilled with the MK012's, thought about getting a modded pair, but ultimately found a good deal on the NT5's and I like that they're darker mics.
Wasn't going to be recording anything but electric gtrs/vocals for about a year (which turned out to be true, unfortunately), needed the cash. :lol:

Was never fully thrilled with the MK012's, thought about getting a modded pair, but ultimately found a good deal on the NT5's and I like that they're darker mics.

The oktavas sound so much better with an expensive preamp. They moved up from mid-end to high-end when i bought my Crane Song Spider. Did a huge difference