Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Just got my hands on a completely professionally refinished RG7420... Has a wizard II neck I think w/ bubinga stripe, and it plays amazing. Super low action and is definitely a fast player.

The color is similar to the "Mystic Dream" paint-job on Petrucci's JP6 and JP7's, but this color-changing paint changes from like a red wine to a midnight blue and then purple... It's really hard to show it in the pictures I took today because the sun was at nigh-noon and directly over me, so it was hard to get the light refracting off of it at the right angle to show the color changes.

This was the best picture that shows kind of the red/purple shift on it...




Here are more pics I took of it here if anyone is interested in looking at it...

Here are pics the guy that painted it took at the 3 different angles to show the different colors... these were taken just after the 3rd clear coat...




This thing is CLEEEEEEEAAAAAAAN!!!! (aside from the dust of course! ;))

It has a tone zone I think in the bridge, but I'm not feeling it. I think I'm going to upgrade to the Liquifire/Crunchlab 7's combo.
Just scored a near-mint 5150 for........................................... wait for it................................................... $400. :loco:

Here's the pics he took and sent to me before I went to pick it up. (I'm too lazy to take fresh pics right now :heh:)

