Your latest G.A.S. purchases

As long as I've been playing guitar, the standard Gibson Explorer has come with 496R and 500T ceramic pickups. Not trying to sound like a d-bag, just a heads up for you dude.

Those pickups do sound cool, but they're a bit abrasive, and for Jaymz's style, EMGs are hard to beat.
Yeah I didn't really dig them in the shop and I need to keep consistancy between these pre production tracks im recording. Really loved the same EMG's in the Snakebyte hence the move :P

Though I will put them up for sale you your interested Fenix!
Yeah I didn't really dig them in the shop and I need to keep consistancy between these pre production tracks im recording. Really loved the same EMG's in the Snakebyte hence the move :P

Though I will put them up for sale you your interested Fenix!

I appreciate that, but my country duties are going to rape me. (60% of the product price + shipping + 6% of taxes)


Snagged for $149 off of Ebay. This is the old, non-3d version. I can't wait to hear how it sounds with passives! Should be a big improvement over my Profire2626 instrument in.

Snagged for $149 off of Ebay. This is the old, non-3d version. I can't wait to hear how it sounds with passives! Should be a big improvement over my Profire2626 instrument in.

Hmm, isn't the general consensus that passive pickups sound better with active DI's and active pickups can sound cool with passive DI's? I've also got the older Redeye and a Profire 2626, but I've never bothered to do a comparison. I only really use the Redeye for reampage and running stuff through stompboxes.
Hmm, isn't the general consensus that passive pickups sound better with active DI's and active pickups can sound cool with passive DI's? I've also got the older Redeye and a Profire 2626, but I've never bothered to do a comparison. I only really use the Redeye for reampage and running stuff through stompboxes.

Yup, and the Redeye can be configured to be a passive DI or an active DI. That was one of the selling points for me.