Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Yeah...sorry. This isn't gear related. But I'm happy. :lol:
/\ Enjoy em if you havent seen em yet. I need to rewatch most of the season it's been so long, probably 5 years dayum.

And on that note, FINALLY snagged a blu-ray player.
Native Instruments/Heavyocity Evolve Mutations 2

absolutely HAVE to get me the first evolve mutations as well... love this thing

i would have bought the bundle with them both but native instruments sells the bundle only as a physical copy, not a download. i didn't want to wait for a week

fuck GAS, i'm practically broke and now i want a new mac :lol:
not gear related, but I'm loving it! haha 2010 Nissan Rogue. bought 3 months ago, never got to upload any pix till now*


What the shit is a Rogue? :lol:

Whacky international naming schemes; they're called the 'Dualis' here in Aus. To be honest I never liked them, drove two of them when I was working for Nissan. Manual wasn't too shabby, the CVT was hatefully boring. Had some nice leather in it though!

EDIT: Also, fuck you Ed. That Neve looks amazing. :lol::lol::lol:
NI Session Strings

liked the audio examples. maybe i'll upgrade it to session strings pro one day

buying all this shit from NI made me think about buying kontakt 5 or maybe komplete. i could stop buying all these kinds of plugins for a while if i did that.

After reading the thread here and pretty much all of the GS thread yesterday, I bought this last night. Only had a chance to strap it across an older indie-pop mix, but it did make a difference. Everything seemed to have more depth and glue, with channels solo'd it was tough to hear a major difference, but across the mix I kept A/B'ing it and you could hear it. Love it.