Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Wondering if I should buy the upgrade from eZ Drummer to Superior Drummer. I could get it for 125 instead of 160€. I have SSD and Trigger, though.. and can record real drumkits. But there's more and more bands asking for MIDI drums because of time and money savings. Hmm....
Wondering if I should buy the upgrade from eZ Drummer to Superior Drummer. I could get it for 125 instead of 160€. I have SSD and Trigger, though.. and can record real drumkits. But there's more and more bands asking for MIDI drums because of time and money savings. Hmm....

If there's demand, supply it. :)

SD2 has the benefit of having the best room samples of the current market. Worth getting.
Mikaël-ange;9941945 said:
@Eddy: try this ADR on lead vocals too;)
Work beautifully on it. Ryan Wiliams use this a lot for this purpose...

I did try it because of Ryan Williams saying on Gearslutz that he used it on Jared of 30 Seconds to Mars. Although I'm sure his voice would sound great even with a Behringer :D
It does sound very good on vocals, but I also have some other new compressors including what I suspect that was used on Jared's voice on the previous record mixed by CLA ;)

Marshall 1960BX for $300! It's a little beat up and for some reason has 1 Vintage 30 in it but eh


Slowly rebuilding my live rig while we're in the studio


2x Seventh Circle T15 for HH/Ride pres


1x Seventh Circle D11 to free up one of my pres that I've been using for the Hi-Z input