Your latest G.A.S. purchases

Found a 16 ohm Sheffield triple xxx speaker.
(Arch enemy's latest production got me interested in these:D though I know Andy could make anything sound good)

I'm going to mount it in the old beat up Hiwatt cabinet I have yet to pick up.
Thanks, yeah it's great man, one of the most versatile and useful reampers for sure. You can go both ways, put pedals between, it has a built in sweet clean boost, tuner out / mute, impedance controls so you can tweak for different pickups etc. etc. and of course the DI sounds great and super clean. Pricey but actually not bad for all that it does.
pulled the trigger on this one, it sounds fantastic


also this from esoundz, was only 50 bucks. gotta say, it was a very pleasant surprise for what it is, i actually got a little excited about using it on something. great synths and it seems there's a lot of patches that would work excellent for layering with orchestral synths for some extra crisp.

the 'loops' are sort of useless though, and the sound example at esoundz had this great sounding piano thingy that later turned out to be a loop, which sucks. their site is sort of clumsy as well and i had to wander around their site for like 15 minutes before realizing how exactly i was supposed to download my product. the deal is top notch though, check it out if you already haven't - there's sampletron, samplemoog and sonik synth up for grabs and you can get all three for $100
