Your latest G.A.S. purchases

@ Eddy: nice 33609, i'm jealous:)

About the blue stripe: i already know you had bought one reading your previous post mentioning CLA :lol:
Wasn't hard since CLA use only 2 vocals chain:
Blue strip 1176 or la2a followed by 1176 for country vox.
I liked that, I learnt a lot workflow wise with the evaluation so it made sense to finally buy it because I was never going to use another sequencer as I was so used to it. Plus it's an interesting business model and I wanted to support that and the trust placed in it.

I think bottom line is if people are going to pirate it they're going to pirate it anyway - whether that's right or whether people like that or not.

150 Bucks on sale, couldn't resist. So far I'm loving it.
Just ordered 4 x 4GB sticks of RAM for my iMac. Maxing out at 16GB! (Upgrading from the 4GB it came stock with lol)
Now I'll be able to run multiple plugin instances with larger memory allocations for various kits and samples a lot easier! :D
Woot woot! :Smokin:
^^^^ Nice man. Where'd you get 'em from? I usually get my ram from OWC. ( Always down to shop around, cuz I was planning on upgrading my ram pretty soon.
ughhh If i had the money or a computer that wouldnt fall over with 10 instnaces running Id buy VCC, I did just get SATSON though, and am loving it.
ughhh If i had the money or a computer that wouldnt fall over with 10 instnaces running Id buy VCC, I did just get SATSON though, and am loving it.

Dude - new version is supposed to be 50% better on cpu usage! Satson looks very cool though!
While I don't condone piracy in any way. Cockos is pretty much asking for it with an unlimited demo.
Yeah, actually being a pioneer in not a**-raping paying customers with shitty copyprotection-software is asking for it, i am sad to see a lot of people shamelessly exploiting the first sound, customer-oriented move a softwarecompany has made. I for myself enjoyed paying for reaper, because its a great piece of software with no bullshit attached

EDIT: i do NOT want to offend you personally, i just wanted to vent a little because i heard this statement a couple of times, that people do not feel like they are pirating because they do not have to circumvent protection-software
^^^^ Nice man. Where'd you get 'em from? I usually get my ram from OWC. ( Always down to shop around, cuz I was planning on upgrading my ram pretty soon.

I used They actually ended up being cheaper than ordering from apple (obviously overpriced there),, etc. I think the total came out to only $100 for 16GB, which I thought was a pretty good deal for the type I needed.

Oh, and Crucial's memory tool ("System Scanner" is awesome. It scans your current ram, as well as the make/model of your computer to ensure you purchase the exact kind you need for optimum performance and compatibility. It kind of sucks having to download it as an exe/dmg, installing it and running it, but it's safe to use. But... I'd rather go through the hassle of doing that than ordering the wrong thing. Haha. Especially since I've never been much of a "hardware" kind of techie.