Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Original Australian made nt1. Its and ugly bastard but its not as bright as the new one, so I'm digging it so far.

Which model Senn kit is that? Have you had much of a chance to use it so far? How have you found it?

Good luck with the Phonic conditioner. My bands old mixer lasted two and abit years before it started crapping itself. Now one channel is stuffed and the warranty tech couldn't fix it.
Dropped it recently in favour of a Yammy.
Which model Senn kit is that? Have you had much of a chance to use it so far? How have you found it?

Good luck with the Phonic conditioner. My bands old mixer lasted two and abit years before it started crapping itself. Now one channel is stuffed and the warranty tech couldn't fix it.
Dropped it recently in favour of a Yammy.

Like James said, the Sennheiser Freeport. I found it on sale for 144 instead of 250 euro, so I went for it. I don't have it in yet, ordered it on friday...with any luck I'll have it next friday. Going to perform with it the 18th, so it'll be trial by fire :lol: I'll let you know how it went (remind me if I forget!)

The phonic will be my first power conditioner, I felt it would be a good addition to my rack. Especially after my TC electronics G-sharp got fried after a couple of power surges. :ill:

This beauty lies at my parents home since yesterday and i'm sitting here at Uni
counting the seconds till I get home to play it, which won't be til next friday :cry::puke: