
My first cab! Got it used for 4000 NOK or about 530, and it's the first time I've seen a used Mesa in Norway.
Now I just need a new amp...
Gearslutz is RAVING at how powerful these monitors are, comparing them to the HS80's and Adam A7's. The catch? They are 300$ for the pair. Bought without hesitation.
My first cab! Got it used for 4000 NOK or about 530, and it's the first time I've seen a used Mesa in Norway.
Now I just need a new amp...
Great.. Now you got me drooling for these. It'd be like 350
SSL alphalink in da' house:
Super happy!!!
Do you use it for monitoring headphones and speakers or do you use something else to control volume?
@ Barricade
I bought a Kush audio Gaintrain for monitoring. It is said to be one of the best totally transparent controllers on the market.
Finally a mic isolation shield, Will be able to have some decent results in my untreated room
Finally a mic isolation shield, Will be able to have some decent results in my untreated room
Is this the $100 one from Guitar Center? I ended up making my own for $30. It's twice the size and works just the same if not better.