Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Got it at a sweet deal of like $53.

Freakin thing sounds killer with a Dirty Little Secret in front of it... Even makes my Metal Zone sound not-so-awful! But this is at bedroom volumes...

Getting a set of functional KRK Rokit 5's for about $45 on Thursday. Does that count?
Ha, half the bass players that I record can barely play a 4 string bass.. I don't want to confuse them further by adding an extra string to an instrument. But for those cases where retracking is required, I'll get him to use this bass ;)

This beast just turned up. SSD drive and 1TB ATA drive, quad 3.4 i7, 27 inch screen.

Just bought 16gb RAM but found out you can put 32gb in the 27 inch models! Since it's not officially supported I'm sticking at 16 though :Smokedev:


This beast just turned up. SSD drive and 1TB ATA drive, quad 3.4 i7, 27 inch screen.

Just bought 16gb RAM but found out you can put 32gb in the 27 inch models! Since it's not officially supported I'm sticking at 16 though :Smokedev:


You know WWDC is pretty soon right?
That is indeed pretty stupid. Does it have the tone pump? Give the aggie obp-2 or 3 a shot. I love them.

Yeah, it's the TonePump. It was fine when I thought the knob all the way back meant 'zero', as apparently it's 'boost only', but turns out it does actually cut by about 3dB at that position so the bass just sounds really bad that way.

How do the Aguilar preamps stack up to the EMG BQC or the Glockenklang stuff?

I'm curious whether any of them can be wired up for the pickups' dual coil function to still work or whether I'll be forced back to 40DCs either way.
You know WWDC is pretty soon right?

Yeh man, I'm not too fussed though. An iMac is perfect for my home steup and I'm not even going to speculate on whether they'll even update them. Mac Pro I'm sure will be updated though.

By the way - a few weeks ago I played with that band Hindsights you recorded. Nice dudes!