Your latest G.A.S. purchases

^ happens often, I guess if the brands are in completely different markets, and if one is officially recorded as "BAE" and the other "BAE systems" then it's maybe fine (I have no idea here). 3 letters give only 18000 possibilities for the whole world. I was surprised with other brand names too, thinking it would be impossible to get ! And yeah BAE is a tremendous company

What happened with the last update of PT10 exactly ?

And I'm with you for the macpro. Seems like Apple gets so much profit from consumer based configs, that they bother less and less with the few macpros they sell. I don't know what they are gonna do with the 17in MBP either. Not that I want to buy a new one one year after mine, but 17in is a perfect size for me.

I'm really looking forward the development of more thunderbolt devices. Can't wait to be able to plug a laptop at home on a single plug and have 1 screen + an external Hd or two + a soundcard + whatever chained together instantly.
Decided to finally upgrade.. it's a shame Avid didn't react to thousands of angry and disappointed customers who recently bought the non working PT9, but as it is PT9 is completely useless to me because I can't switch off software monitoring and thus can't use it properly with the Fireface UFX. Thanks Avid, for making me pay $300 for simple "off" switch that exists in every other DAW on this planet since decades. :yuk:
If ProTools 11 comes around anytime soon I am pretty positive I'll hit their CEO with a sledge hammer in the face... 11 times.

Yeah I need to get this update too, but only for the real time fades... and yet

@jipchen: Know how you feel. Still cruising along in Version 9 here simply out of principle. They really screwed their users with that interim release.

I have done the same thing.

Get ready then, because we're only a few months away from the release of PT11.

Well, it's not PT 11, but 10.2 should be announced in september or at latest november, so it is "close"
10.2 is out!

and as much as I fucking despise Avid's pricing policy I gotta say that PT10 is BOSS!!!
real time fades and cache record/playback alone is worth it...clip gain was about time too.
@jipchen: Know how you feel. Still cruising along in Version 9 here simply out of principle. They really screwed their users with that interim release.
Yes I swore I wouldn't buy PT10 but as of now I can't properly use it and having paid the price for PT9 and not use it at all kinda seems worse than paying the additional 300 bucks but then being able to use it. I also like some of the new features (you know, those features that other DAWs already had for 10 years, but I digress.. :lol: )
Get ready then, because we're only a few months away from the release of PT11.
You think so? From what I know it's going to take some time for them to finish ProTools 11 with the complete rewrite, dropped support for the old hardware, RTAS, etc. Also getting the 64bit thing right and pushing companies to AAX and 64bit plugins? If it's really only some month left I can still send it back (actually haven't even recieved the package yet).
Yeah I need to get this update too, but only for the real time fades... and yet I have done the same thing.
Well, it's not PT 11, but 10.2 should be announced in september or at latest november, so it is "close"
Do you perhaps have any more information on when PT11 is about to be released (roughly of course)?
Do you perhaps have any more information on when PT11 is about to be released (roughly of course)?

Mikael said me today that Ann Micielli have already beta tested PT11 since a couple of months. Don't know the new features anyway.
I'm in the same situation...I'm in PT8 and I wanna upgrade to PT10 but probably PT11 will come out very soon.....but at the same time the upgrade from 8 to 11 will be very expensive, more that 8->10.
Remember how they fucked everyone over with the 8-10 upgrade? Much more expensive than the 8-9-10 upgrade.
If they're doing it like that again, you're MUCH better off upgrading to 10 before 11 comes out.
Cause Avid's policy will be like:
"1000 from 9-10 and then another 1200 from 10-11, but if you upgrade from 9 directly to 11 it'll be 45000"
or use a less overpriced daw?

And complain every time you trying to run a modern standard track count session (+100 tracks).
You can arg as you want (and I'm with everyone about Avid crazy upgrade price, especially since I'm under HD flag) but HD TDM, HD native and now HDX was/are product design for pro market.

If you want simple confirmation, ask Ermin how many time he as complain while working on + 100 tracks sessions with his rig:D
10.2 is out!

and as much as I fucking despise Avid's pricing policy I gotta say that PT10 is BOSS!!!
real time fades and cache record/playback alone is worth it...clip gain was about time too.

Got my numbers crossed, meant 10.5. I could be very wrong, but I know there's beta's of a 10.x version floating around and I havn't heard a peep about PT 11. Despite the fact that it was supposed to be released september-ish 2012.

I can't believe I've been putting it off for so long :waah:
I'm blown away.

Mr. Sneap, you've made me a happy man, once again :notworthy