Your latest G.A.S. purchases

I've scheduled a time to get custom moulded earplugs. Can't wait, I'm sure this is going to be the best GAS purchase ever :)
I got a pair of those. Never use them. I honestly like the $12 Hear-os better. Sucks cuz I paid $120 for the plugs and different filters, even had them re-done like twice because they didn't feel right.
I've scheduled a time to get custom moulded earplugs. Can't wait, I'm sure this is going to be the best GAS purchase ever :)

Can recommend, I've had mine for what, 4 years now? My live mixing became so much better after I got them, since they only affect the sound a tiny bit. I usually mix 2-3 songs without plugs and then put them on. If it's loud and I don't use plugs, my hearing sort of goes "numb" after a while, and it becomes much harder to e.g. do live eq tweaks. With those christmas tree type plugs though, there wasn't really a chance I'd mix with earplugs on, they messed up the top end so bad.

It's really... painful at first to actually hear your playing at band rehearsals though :lol: Our singer just got molded plugs too, and now he's really self-conscious about his being in tune and tone of voice; he could never really hear himself earlier.

Mine are getting pretty worn out though, probably have to replace the molds in a year or two.
CLR Active Wedge

It's really... painful at first to actually hear your playing at band rehearsals though :lol:

Haha, I can imagine :) I'm really looking forward to seeing how the plugs change everything. I haven't practiced without plugs since I was maybe 14 because I'm very careful with my ears. Live I've always been the guy who wants as little as possible in my monitor, just to be able to have some sort of clarity. I'm hoping that will improve with proper earplugs though!

Impulse buy, got this used for a budget 6-string. It plays smooth and sounds pretty good, and I like the minimalistic looks. With a hard case that stinks, probably cat piss or something. Whatever, it was pretty cheap. Came with a 85 in the bridge and 81 in the neck, I switched them around though.


The other one is apparently broken somehow, so I got a good deal. Going to open it up and check the connections, if it's apparent I'll fix it myself. If not, my friend offered to help. I'll probably order a new preamp anyway though; three's better than two, right?
Long time lurker, been a member here for quite a while, but don't post much at all....Just thought I'd share some pics of my little recording setup with you guys, I really envy all you that can use a 50/100w amp for recording at home, just not an option for me, so I bought these (I've had all this for a while now):

Egnater Tweaker 15w head & Randall 1x12 Greenback cab (Boss SD-1 on top of the amp):

Marshall DSL-1 H & Orange PPC112 (V30):

Ibanez RG350DX (upgraded the bridge p'up to a Duncan Custom Custom...pic was taken before I changed the p'up btw..):

Built a home-made ISO cab & have this speaker in currently (I can change speakers in about 4-5 mins, used wing-nuts to mount the speaker):

Here's a shot of my desk & guitars:

I'm using NOS glass/tubes in both my amps, to be honest, it doesn't make a huge difference with the DSL (seems to smooth out the high end more than anything, & gives me a little more breakup when the volume is cranked), but the T15 is amazing with Mullard (V1), RCA (V2), Sylvania (V3), & a set of Russian 6P3S power tubes...

The ISO cab I built works pretty good, but I usually only use it late at night to be honest. I can dime either amp, & it sounds like a tv coming from my music room....While I can get pretty decent tones from my ampsims (in my opinion anyway), using real amps/speakers/mics sound much better (to me anyway)....

I don't play/record really heavy stuff like a lot of you guys do, I'm more into the 70's-80's sound wise, so these 2 amps do a good job for me....

Cool thread, & there is some really nice gear that you guys have, gives me GAS....:rock:
Picked up this beauty from my local samash. It was sitting on a shelf for almost three years and finally brought it home.

Tama Starclassic B/B. Needs another bass drum in the near future though.

Here's what its replacing