Your latest G.A.S. purchases


Everything you see was for 750$ and my Stiletto cab.

I fucking hate you so much.
Did you piss your pants when you bought it? :D
The Deal of your life!!!

I know! At first I was just trading cabs, then he said he'd give the Ampeg for 100$, couldn't say no. THEN he said Mesa Dual Rec for 650$, no way I was saying no! Thank the tax return for this one! :lol:

I take it you're holding his mother at ransom?

that an svt4 pro?

Haha, no and no. The guy had a hard time selling on clist, so I was a rebound ;). The Ampeg is a B4R solid state, nothing amazing, but for 100$ I have a 1000 watt head for my bass player to run his Sansamp through :loco:

I fucking hate you so much.

u jelly? Haha jokes, sorry brah ;)


the text in the Sound Advice book is HUGE. flipping through it it looks like it's just a quick primer, but that's pretty much what i was looking for so ¯\(º o)/¯
Congrats man :) Haha I totally understand your FUUUUUU-ing because of the small flaw. Annoying as hell when you get something new.
I love the idea of those small plastic pods on the top, so the amp doesn't grave in the fucking tolex. Don't want silly dents on the top of the cab, damnit! :lol:
Congrats man :) Haha I totally understand your FUUUUUU-ing because of the small flaw. Annoying as hell when you get something new.
I love the idea of those small plastic pods on the top, so the amp doesn't grave in the fucking tolex. Don't want silly dents on the top of the cab, damnit! :lol:

True! Especially for white cabs... there´s a white Laboga cab at my local music store with round yellow stains from the rubber feet of the amp heads. Those things can color the damn tolex :puke:
Sansamp PSA-1 + Peavey Rockmaster offered $250 for ea (shipped) from two different people on allofcraigs that luckily had an eBay and a studio web site that helped my comfort level with buying out of state off craigs. Everything else pictured in the background was eBayed or Amazoned (desk was MusiciansFirended just got a few weeks ago).

Sorry, can't figure out how to embed the pics, also have sound sound bytes I could put up...