Your opinion about


#1 Backstreet Boys Fan
Sep 2, 2001
Joey DiMaio! I hate this guy, what he is doing has nothing to do with bassplaying! Just take a look at this ridiculous instrument he is playing! Argh! And if that wasn't bad enough, he is a fucking poser. I hate him, I hate this band!

Thanks for your attention
he's very fast, but everybody can be fast with a pick...i would like to see him playing with his fingers. and yes, he's a fucking poser, i hate his attitude like "we are the kings of metal, we're the best band in the world, death to false metal" and all that bullshit. he's pathetic. i also think he should play guitar and not bass....maybe he doesn't know he's playing the wrong instrument :)
Manowar is a very particular band, but it's one of the most important in metal history and world....

Joey Dimaio isn't a real bas player, but i think he's a saourt of second guitarrist...

He's bass (if we can call it bass) it's a guitar: that's why he plays william's tale and sting of the bumblebee so fast.... I tried to play sting of the bumblebee on my bass and it results very hard for what concerns passages and fills throught each freet......
Anyway playing it on a guitar or his bass it's much more easier......

Manowar is anyway a great band and they'll always support true fuckin' heavy metal and i like themm a lot!!!!
I have to give Manowar credit for holding strong in what they believe in. It's WHAT they believe in that is so fucking stupid. It reeks of WWF. I mean who gives a flying fuck if they don't turn down for anyone. Do they really think thats a stance that anyone thinks is cool, Come On! The Return of the Warlord is a posing extravoganza at its all time funniest...Give me a break. " I punched my teacher out....Now he's chilled...And not only is Joey Dimaio is a poser, The whole band wins the fabio award for this one. The only one in the band with anything real to offer as a person is drummer Scott Columbus. He's a good solid drummer and the most down to earth. The rest just run Joeys DEATH TO FALSE METAL BROTHER !!! bullshit..FUCKING PATHETIC. HAIL AND KILL What the fuck is that shit...If your not a fan of manowar then he wishes you were DEAD...Nice huh ? It's moronic spewings like this that make me write such rhetoric. The songs are nothing but vehicles for Joeys egomanical rantings on " Bass" if ya want to call it that.They should stick to writing slower songs... It's what they do best. I have to admit Mountians is a great song...Yes I have bought the CD's I keep giving them the benefit of the doubt to see if they give up this Creed that they so desperatly cling to.They have a handful of tunes that are very well done that make you want to try and dig the band, But after hearing Dimaio's hysterical and taken all to serious verbal diarrhea it makes one say...Never again to another CD sale...Hey Im glutten for punishment, what can I say. and after seeing them live, "Men who bore" should be the Moniker. They are huge in europe.. But Hey, so is David Hasselhoff. Can anyone see the Connection here. Anyways being huge in europe only is like being the worlds tallest midget.
The vultures are circling folks.
Joey is a joke, but Manowar has a couple of descent songs. I saw them live in Oslo a while ago, and it was fucking awesome, yet hilarious. They gotta go down as the most cheesy band in history.


Well, you get it....
Man that picture is fucking hilarious...Another funny this when DiMaio actually came up with this rediculous idea for a band...I can't believe his other bands mates said.."Ya know...I cant wait to wear a fur diaper and hold a phalic symbal of a sword in honor of true heavy metal, MAn what a great idea"...Mayby thats why Drummers Carl Canedy and Donnie Hamzic split...They probably went to a manowar wardrobe fitting session and they Said.."Well..I'm outta here ladies".
I could go on all day about this band..Hell I may even start a Men who bore comedy site just for kicks.