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Dude I used to love A Boy and his Blob! That them song STILL gets stuck in my head sometimes while I am at work!

Also I think it's about time someone investigates the connection between NES (and SNES, etc) and Louie Armstrong.
Pelvic Fury, defying physics since the 90's.

Well ACTUALLY the band formed in February of 2001.

Original line up included the infamous Mike Romano on guitar. Mike departed from the band in the summer of 2002 and later went on to form death metal group "Causatum." Since you can't pronounce the word "Causatum" just make something else up that sounds good. "Cataclysm" is a good one.

This has been a VH1 presentation.
Well ACTUALLY the band formed in February of 2001.

Original line up included the infamous Mike Romano on guitar. Mike departed from the band in the summer of 2002 and later went on to form death metal group "Causatum." Since you can't pronounce the word "Causatum" just make something else up that sounds good. "Cataclysm" is a good one.

This has been a VH1 presentation.

Your band formed when I say it formed asshole.
Well ACTUALLY the band formed in February of 2001.

Original line up included the infamous Mike Romano on guitar. Mike departed from the band in the summer of 2002 and later went on to form death metal group "Causatum." Since you can't pronounce the word "Causatum" just make something else up that sounds good. "Cataclysm" is a good one.

This has been a VH1 presentation.

or...causadom & causaytum its all good LOL :lol:
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