YouTube Vids

is this what the genre has come to ... is it even about the music anymore or is it about being cool and funny. i hope this band is a joke band.

How the hell did I just sit through that whole mess?
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wow i was wondering that too and saw you thought the same thing. never heard of it but i'll bet you one million dollars its real and they'll be all the rage with the metal kids in no time if they're not already. and yes thats what the genre has come to No its not about the music. im gonna stop now while i can.
another find by dave

dudes like that kinda piss me off. I mean he is crazy talented, I am not trying to take that away from him. But he made a job out of a childhood infatuation. Why not me?!
Dave emailed a shorter version of this shit to me awhile ago. I guess it's worth laughing at again.


I wish I had that many "flavors of cereal". And an "ex bah".
I'm not posting all the shit I found, but Bill O'Reilly gets owned all the fucking time. It's fucking funny as hell. Colbert sets him off.
